big puppy eyes, whimpers ... I really hate to ask, I always try to do things on my own, bu I can't seem to get this right! I'm trying to help someone out by making them a layout, but the coding just confuses me SO much.
The overall size of the "blog" background is 566 x 508, the large blog is 254 wide x 292 high, the smaller blog is 135 wide by 238 high (if that helps). I've gor the hex colors for the scrollbars if you need that. blue for the darkshadow/outside edge 04248C ; red for the highlights 091B00; and just white for the track/face; a goldish for the arrow B3B723
There is going to be a very small background behind the blog (I think, or solid blue).
Yes, a banner - 494 x 84 and yes to a logo, normal 100 x 100
A cookie and my eternal gratitude to anyone who can help?
Here's a link to the actual big background/blog: ... pdback.gif