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AMD demos dual-core Opterons

Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:59 am

It's official: AMD has honest-to-goodness dual-core processors, and they'll be available sometime in 2005. :D's story's story and opinions

More bragging rights for AMD in their ongoing CPU war with Intel.


More links for those more curious:
Tom's Hardware's story
The Register's story

Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:26 pm

Sweet. Not that I'll be able to get my hands on those any time soon.

Although, Intel has some plans of their own: ... 2&Itemid=0

Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:23 pm

The next CPU I'll be buying will probably be 64-bit, and the closest time that would happen is in 2006. This is mostly because of the Longhorn release -- I think it's worth putting off buying hardware untill it can statisfy system requirements for the next OS, if you already have a decent PC. So, no dual-core AMD in 2005 for me. Mid-2005 sounds a bit far away -- a lot of time for something to change.
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