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Using IP to work out identity?

Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:14 am

I've got someone leaving anonymous comments on my LJ, and, basically... they're really creeping me out. I have no idea who the person is, but really want to know. All I've managed to determine from the IP address is that they live in Melbourne, but that doesn't really help.

Which brings me to the question. I have their IP (my options are set to logging anonymous commenters' IPs), but I dunno if it's even possible to work out who they are from that, as I'm not that great with technology :P

Any help would be greatly appreciated, so I can stop freaking out x.x

Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:36 pm

if melborne is a city, you aren't gonna be able to get much more specific.

you can try this script and see what happens (though it will probably just say AU - Australia) [i think its AU].

echo  ip2long(""); // just put the IP address

anyway, you can search on google for various other php functions that convert IP's to hostnames (such as for me it would be adelphia (my ISP))

Sun Jun 19, 2005 12:55 am

LJ has a section on harassment in their FAQ: ... ?faqid=108

Perhaps that might help. Best of luck. :\
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