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FTP Help

Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:10 am

A few days ago I purchased a domain name from with an FTP web hosting package. Although it took a few tries, I think I've finally learned how to upload my pages from Netscape Composer. The thing is, I don't know how to access the pages once I've uploaded them. I've tried as well as but it always tells me there is nothing with that name on the server.
Below are screenshots of the information I've filled in to publish the pages, just to make sure I've done it correctly. Of course, I always put in my username and password in the spaces for them in the top screenshot.

Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:39 am

If the name of your page is "shameronscript.html", then you need to use But I tried that and it doesn't seem to be uploaded. I have never used Netscape Composer, so I don't know how that works. Try a different FTP service? WS_FTP?

Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:05 am

Yeah, shameronscript.html was the address I was trying to use, pagename.html was just an example.
In addition to Netscape Composer, I've tried CuteFTP but it doesn't seem to have worked. I'll try WS_FTP and see how it does. Thanks!

Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:43 am

On a tangent, my brothers name is Kameron and my sisters name is Kirsten. Freaky.

Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:50 pm

I'm assuming you still haven't gotten the page to work yet....maybe when you uploaded the html file you put it in a different sub directory? or its also possible it wasn't uploaded at all.. I don't know if it makes a difference or not.... try as the server instead of

Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:03 am

Perhaps it is in another extention? Try other ones such as .php . I think its an problem with the extention...
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