Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:54 pm
Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:41 pm
Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:31 pm
Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:35 pm
Christopher wrote:I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or not, but in general it bears a passing ressemblance - Kamehameha's, capsule vehicles, nyoibo, etc. The characterisation of Goku is a bit (entirely) off though. Why is he the only white guy?
Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:12 pm
Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:54 am
Ammistletoe wrote:Uh, the show was pretty stupid so having an equally if not more stupid movie won't really harm it.
Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:44 am
Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:29 am
Frosty Snowmobile wrote:That said... I really liked the anime. The movie looks... a bit dodgey imo. I was worried when I first heard about the movie... but seein this trailer... mmm. Kinda makes me think of "Mortal Kombat".
Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:46 pm
Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:58 pm
Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:24 am
Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:51 pm
Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:34 am
I don't know if you know this, but once upon a time some 6 years ago, waaay back in 2003 before any Naruto websites even existed (I know *gasp*), I had myself a gloriously bad little DBZ fansite, one of the many thousands upon thousands that there was. During my reign over the site there was always persistent rumors of a pending live action DBZ movie, so it was of course, with some interest, that I looked forward to seeing Dragonball Evolution! Now, for some reason the people behind the movie thought it was a brilliant idea to open a month in advance in Japan, Korea, and China. Because it is not at all like China leads the World in piracy of pretty much everything that has ever existed, including Hollywood movies. Coincidentally, I found myself in Tokyo last week when the movie opened (it really was a coincidence, I hadn't planned it that way... I'm not that pathetic... honest... why don't you believe me?), so of course went to see the movie! In Japan the theaters allow you to pre-buy your tickets 24 hours in advance, and it is always reserved seating so you can try to reserve the best seating in the house. And with Dragonball so very loved in Japan, I knew I had to do it! Well, turns out only 2 other people had bought tickets and they were putting it in their second smallest theater in the complex. Yes, Japanese people love Dragonball, but apparently not as much as Yatterman, and Doraemon, whose movies were number 1 and 2 respectively ahead of Dragonball Evolution, which managed to take in just a smidge over $2.5 million at the Japanese box office.
Anyways, I'll spare you my thoughts on the movie (it was perhaps the worst movie I have seen in theaters in my whole life, it has nothing at all to do with Dragonball (talk about an evolution!), other than the fact that there are characters with the same names, and they somehow managed to fit the Dragon Balls themselves in to a random bad movie about a high school student nicknamed "Geeko" by the school bully that keeps you laughing at things you shouldn't be laughing at. In fact, it was such a terrible movie that a good percentage of the normally polite Japanese people who insist on staying until the very END of the credits left about 20 minutes in, which if I hadn't been sitting in the middle of the row, would have been about 18.5 minutes longer than it would have taken me. This movie couldn't have been more unintentionally hilarious if they had cast Samuel L. Jackson as Goku), but it got me thinking... what did you guys think of it!? Surely by now a lot of you have typed in "dragonball evolution cam" in to Google or some other site and found the movie and have watched it, and most of you probably used to be Dragonball fans back in the day. What did you think of it? That's really all I wanted to know, I guess. Perhaps if I was still the 12 year old running the bad DBZ website, I would have enjoyed it.
Afterall, at one point in my life I thoroughly enjoyed "Kindergarten Cop", "Jingle All the Way", and thought every movie Adam Sandler made was the best. So, I have created this nifty poll where you can tell me your thoughts. And by the way, I will assume anybody who votes "Terrific!" is just being a troll. I personally see this movie becoming a cult classic because it is just so awful, it's like a car crash, you just can't help but keep looking, and the people involved actually think it is something great. I feel so sorry for the actors who have to sit through this thing at premiere after premiere who have to pretend this is the best movie they have ever made (which sadly for Justin Chatwin might be true). I'd recommend you all go see it once it comes out just to share in the *shock*, but the high ticket sales might accidentally provoke them to go through with their diabolical plans to make TWO more. I know we don't normally do this kind of stuff, but hey, maybe we should start having more posts like this... unless you only like to see me twice a week... but I doubt that could be the case!
Wed May 06, 2009 10:12 am
Shoyru_Lover wrote:I loved the anime and watched it a lot, but it got a little repetitive after a while. Bad guy comes... really strong and no one can beat him so Goku and co must train. They train hard, then they beat the guy. Then another guy comes and the story repeats.