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Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:34 am

Fellow Intellectual,

Once there was a place where the Intellectuals gathered. Each of them had their own home, and they gathered at the Six Gates.

These Six Gates were difficult challenges, designed to further the minds of the Intellectuals, and pass communication between them.

For years, the Intellectuals blossomed in their pursuits of knowledge. But the Bald Man, who governed the land where their homes were, was furious at this frivolous nonsense, as he saw it. HE himself could not pass through the Six Gates, so he destroyed them and all the homes of the Intellectuals, and banished them to the unknown.

The Intellectuals are not beaten. Instead they have fashioned a new, more rigorous set of challenges, called RiddleGates. You have been summoned to attempt these challenges, and become one of the Guardians of the RiddleGates. You must pass through all sixteen to get to the CORE before the Bald Man does, or the RiddleGates will be destroyed.


This is a web-based puzzle game created by a friend of mine, hosted by me. Enjoy.
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