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August 3rd news

Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:59 pm

As the mists of morning lift, the residents of Krawk Island have noticed a strange Ship in their harbour...

Visit The Gnome Dome for the latest Site Spotlight winner.

This week's PPL award has been given to the Cyodrake. Well done Psyke, Smoff, Ancurint, Lord Peter Wimsey, and all the others.

A new page of Poems is available for you to read. Congratulations to the selected writers.

As some brave souls approach the ship, they are greated by the smell of strange Exotic Foods they have never smelled before...

You may not think it to look at him, but Geoffrey is very good at Chia Bomber 2. You've got quite a challenge on your hands if you decide to take on this week's Better Than You.

On the ship, a Kougra appears to be playing a new game called Kou-jong.

Several people cringe when they notice a Shoyru in battle armour appearing from a room filled with Wonderous Weaponry. Good thing he's only selling it... for now.

A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 48 minutes. 3305 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 606 NP each.

A Blumaroo seems to be beckoning you to come and see his latest Culinary Concoctions. What could he be making...

Jongaskins wins the Pirate Cave Of The Week with Mwuahaha Jongaskins. Well done!

Well, at least if you did come in contact with something bad, there appears to be a medicine man on board ship. Hopefully he has some Remarkable Restoratives...

Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:07 pm

Is anyone else having trouble reading the ships comic??

I cant get the speech bubbles to come up o_O

Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:07 pm

*starts squealing*



Where the heck are the prizes from the old story?!

Edit: The cook looks really... strange here. Almost possessed. It might just be me, though:


Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:13 pm

... Flash Comic? Missing Crewman?


Another plot? Another mini-plot? A new world?

I've just got one thing to say:

Ah ha! So there is more going on! Clever one, you are. You hesitate for a moment, though, if only because you remember previous times you've offered to help a strangers. Volcanoes... and spike traps... and flooded cities. *shudder*


... Another Cooking Pot? Can we mix the same items as the Mystery Island Cooking Pot or is this for new recipes?

Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:17 pm

New plot?

B-b-b-but what about the PRIZES?

From the LAST PLOT?

Distraction tactics I say!

Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:35 pm

... and TNT, just when we were complaining about how boring were the news, manages to surprise us.

I think that one was a completelly unexpected move. There were no rumours at all about some ploting involving an oriental theme.

Well, a half congrats to TNT. If the prizes were not delayed, it would be a whole congrats.

The sad note is, I'll have to stop buying Codestones for a while. I suspect people are starting to inflate those, on the account of baseless rumours that ship brought to Neopets boards

Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:42 pm

YAY! Finally an oriental world! I called it first!

But really, this is just wrong where are the prizes?!?!?!

Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:07 pm

polomoche wrote:New plot?

B-b-b-but what about the PRIZES?

From the LAST PLOT?

Distraction tactics I say!

Yeah...but to be fair they're working! :D

I love kou-jong. I used to play Mah jong when I was a kid, wonderful!
Last edited by Rayen on Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:07 pm

Is the Altador plot even closed? They used to announce it on the news when old plots ended...
Just great, a new plot, and we're still waiting for plot and cup prizes :roll: this better be a mini-mini-plot, and they better give me the new world now. Also, I find it ironical that I saw it just after my brother stopped playing Mah Jong on the computer.

Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:11 pm

Another plot? Perhaps they should work on getting pries out for the previous one(s) before starting a new one.

Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:07 pm

I think the cook is the best looking blumaroo I've seen on the site, especially in his "Why did you asplode me?" pic. Does anyone have a list of the items sold by the new shops?

Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:02 pm

I just tried combining a bottle of red sand and a bottle of black sand in the new cooking pot, and it didn't work.

Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:05 pm

I tried a glowing jelly and a sausage omelette, no luck with that. Too bad, it would be great if we had something to do w/all the bazillions of those floating around.

Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:30 pm

Last night I actually dreamt I got plot and cup prizes :roll: Apparently my cup scores were "miserable". I think that's perhaps a bit harsh...

Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:36 pm

Did any of you actually look to see if the prizes were out? o_O

Just kidding. I checked in the HOH, and it's the same old message. I also re-read it to make sure we weren't misunderstanding KA -- but he definitely says we'll be rewarded. I'm excited to start a new plot. Do they always have a plot associated with comics? There's no neoboard set up for it yet, at any rate. But the Altador plot one is gone -- how long has that been for? Did they take it down to start the Altador Cup one?
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