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 Post subject: PS CS2-- Exporting layers as transparent PNGS.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:27 pm 
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anyone know how I can do it? I need to, so I can import into Flash to create my boss a website, but I've run into a few complications...

Any know how?

There are around 30 different layers.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:10 am 
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If you need to save each layer as a separate PNG, you could probably use an "action" to do it.

I don't know much about them, but you can turn on the "Actions" palette by going to "Window" > "Actions", and create a new action by clicking on the icon to the left of the Trash can (which is the same as the "new layer" icon. You can then hit the record button and do various things.

(a handy shortcut for you might be "Alt + ]" (and "Alt + [") to select a layer above or below... you could do that once and hit "Save as..." and save the image, and then you might be able to repeat that action for each layer)

Erm, working out how to make the action might take more time than just going through all the layers and saving them off. "File" > "Save for Web..." works for that, by the way (choose "PNG" as a file format).

Nyum nyum nyum...

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