Callie wrote:
Flame wrote:
You can make gradients in Paint too. It can be rather time consuming, as it's done by hand...but if done correctly it looks like you've done it in a program like adobe instead of Paint.
Another suggestion I have is to you a pixel font for subtext. It makes the set more clean looking.
Ok what are gradients and what are some pixel fonts?
Well, since you didn't know what a gradient was, but now should if you've looked at Paladin's post, I'll explain how it's done in Paint.
In Paint, go to Color > Edit Colors.
Click 'Define Custom Colors'
Click anywhere on the large area of colors. The bar on the right should then show various shades of the color you've chosen. (lightest to darkest) Once you have one you like, hit the 'Print Screen' key on your keyboard.
Next past the image you took a screen cap of into Paint, and just crop everything off EXCEPT for the bar with the various shades of the color you chose. Then go to Edit > Select All and adjust the size of the gradient accordingly to whatever the height of your set is.
Then hit 'Select All' again (if you had unselected it) and then Edit > Copy.
Expand the workspace in Paint to the dimensions of your sig. Then paste your gradient bar next to each other the whole way across the area. That'll give you your gradient background.
I hope that made sense. ^^;;