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Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:05 am
note - this is NOT my artwork it is from
was just wondering what font that is and how you would make it with the white with black border.. i use adobe photoshop CS2 9.0, and what programme is a good (espically free one) for animations (blinkies) i used to use psp7 one but dont have it anymore!
any help is much appreciated
Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:12 am
Wow, that's a font I used to use a very long time's called Redensek.
If I remember correctly, you use it as something around size 8 on Photoshop. Either that or 10. To add the border, right click the layer and go to Blending Options. Then go to Stroke, set it to 1 pixel, outside, and black.