Very cool, but there is actually 4 C'tan, but they haven't said the names of the other 2. But hte nightbringer probably gets something from the new rules, I haven't had a chance to look at them yet (my frieind bought it, i'm sick at home and he's moving house

Gah I read about dyson spheres in a science fiction book, i'll remember eventually. How can you get east in a galaxy?

Have you read the story of the necrons? All the gods devoured eachother, and only the really mad ones survived, and they eat suns

Very cool, if the next campain is based on Necrons i'll be happy!!!
Yea I've never collected spacemarines, but collecting dark angels could be cool one day. But that does sound cool...
I saw a really well modeled techmarine to look like Doc Ock at one point, it was hillarious, they had a Imperial Guard guy painted spiderman colors dead at his feet! The HALO troops look great though, and the Buggy they made is just cool.
Against Tyranids, using scarabs is really cool... it takes about 2 goes to destroy a scarab swarm group, so if they are trying to get to an objective, they get really annoyed!
I've only ever played 'Nids once though.
I finished my Chaos Knights (fantasy) today, i'll try getting some pics up tomorow. Greenish nurgle guys... quite cool, I didn't try mutating them though I didn't want to ruin the model.
If you don't have enough money for a large enough army, you can just use a really small army. Sometimes smaller armies are more fun than big ones actually, but you should try kill team. If you really want to play, go into your local GW and they will give you an army to play with
Have to say... Can't wait to try out C'tan with the new rules. And necrons will work really well against tanks too... glance on a 6