Kugetsu wrote:
I need to do easy mode (to get the guitars). I'm trying to get all 5 stars on medium, and then trying to get past Career on Hard
"Carry Me Home" and "Institutionalized" kill me as far as getting 5 stars go on medium. D: I think Hanger 18 does too, but I'm not quite sure.
I've had the game for about a week... Of the 40 main songs (not including the bonus tracks) the only one I can't get 5 stars on medium is also "Carry Me Home".. It's damn nigh impossible. 4 stars with a score of 107,000 is the best I've done.
And to anyone who claims "I'm not that good, I can't beat *all* the songs on hard".. don't worry about it-- my honest opinion is most players will never get good enough to ever pass career mode on hard. (I'm not there yet, I can only beat select songs on hard so far...)
Hard and Expert modes are for the elite select few ultimate gamers... which is why they made all the songs unlockable just by beating the game on Medium, because Red Octane knows most people will never do it on hard. (I do hope to eventually beat it on hard tho, with practice.)
I am especially proud of my 300,000 + score on Freebird on Medium tho
Also, there have been a lot of wrist injuries due to the game.. I watched a news article the other day-- one of Red Octane's staff said (this is paraphrased) "I know it's not really something our rocker clients want to hear, but everything in moderation-- if it hurts, take a break." Besides-- I find it I play a long session till it begins to hurt, then take a 24-48 hour break to let my wrist heal + strengthen-- next time I play I'm that much faster on the frets and strum... I basically beat the game on easy on one long session, took 2 days off, beat it on medium on the next long session, took 2 days off, then made it my goal to beat all 40 main songs with 5 stars on medium... got 39 of the 40..

. Now I'm on hiatus again to let my wrist recover.