Inexistence wrote:
I, while waiting for a my school choir performance to start since I was going to watch my friend, wandered into a nearby Game store. I went and looked at the cheap aisle, as I only had £10. I looked and saw Thief 1 and 2 for the PC, for £5. I went to buy it but they refused to since they didn't believe I was 12.
I may look young, I'm 13, but I doubt anyone below 12 has a voice as deep as mine or acne as bad as mine.
She asked if I had any identification that proved I was 12 or over. What type of identification do they expect a 13 year old to carry around? The only thing that has my true date of birth on it is my birth certificate and my passport, neither of which I'm going to carry around in my pocket.
I just find it unfair about how they expect me to carry identification around when I am standing with the uniform on right outside where a Year 9 (13 or 14) choir is standing, I have a deep voice, bad spots and I didn't look nervous at all when I did it. She randomly pulled it out.
Perhaps this should be in Miscellaneous discussion due to it being more of a rant than about video games?
Well, in the UK there are many ways to get ID cards. I have my YoungScot card, which is a valid form of ID anywhere you go.
And yea, quite a few people carry their passports around with them. It can be quite usefyl. If I didn't have my YS card, I would be trazking my passport with me wherever I go, despite the fact that I look like a 13 year old pregnant girl in my photo and don't lok like that in real life.

Set by the WIS, the ORIGINAL House Stalker!
When I see his posts, I fill with righteous rage.