PS3 has potential, in fact, I basically say it's the best console out there! Well after
it's released it'll be either one of the best, or the best! Obviously in my opinion.
One reason is, PS3 has extraordinary graphics, well I've heard from reviews that it does, and its controller may be quite, annoying, but when you look at the revolutions controller it changes everything!
Although XBOX has had the best graphics so far, and the Revolution is quite good, with the graphics, and games, etc etc, that doesn't mean the PS3 isn't popular. Sure the Revolution's going to cost WAY more cheaper, but if it was around the price of PS3, I wouldn't get it, I'm sure you fans out there would.
I don't really think the "Revolution" is Revolutionary, in fact neither is the 360 or the PS3, the PS3 might be around $400-$500, but for you budget people, what happens when the PS3 drops to around $300, and the HDTV thing, is that optional, or complusary to be compatible with the console? 360 might be expensive, but I suppose maybe the revolution's cheap because of the graphics? Can someone confirm this?
But I assume that PS3 will probably be one of the greatest consoles that have ever been created!
Hey Pat, where are you and general nonsense going? I guess to the festivities of sophisticos!