zorg wrote:
'time roll' ... is that ability to slow down time? I used to use that, then assasins rush (so i'd jump behind them) and deal out a few combos. Was never really tricky to kill people, i'll give you that. But,not being a person who does online guides for games, the game had alot more for me. My favourite was the evil door (getting someone to follow you, then killing them infront of it... hehehehe. I found out later it was easier with chicks, but meh). And the combat multiplyer was a challenge. After I played the game through the first time, (took about 8 solid hours and I loved it). The game is just visually different from other games and it was a difference I preferred. But the second time, doing everything slowly and finding all the little side quests and doors and learning how to steal properly... I didn't feel cheated by the fact that the individual opponents were easy because the game had so much more to offer. Not really having been enveloped in any overhyping or having any thoughts on what the game would be like before playing it I really enjoyed it. Plus... heroes should be able to open a can of whoop smurf on bandits, its only natural.
Oh, no, I had forgotten the incredibly broken Time slow spell (More like time Stop once you've maxed it) Nah, I meant that the larger opponents (Trolls, Balverines, Etcetera) you can completely avoid any of their attacks by timing a roll properly, making them stupidly easy to beat.
Although I shall grant you that the side quests and whatnot were quite fun.
Except that mission quest where you sneak into the bandit camp, that bothered me something awful - Sneaking was not something I like to do. Blowing stuff up was more me. (Circle of evil or whatever it's called. AWESOME)
zorg wrote:
I have a huge dislike for grinding in games, i'll do it sure, but with a sour taste

Fable I never felt like i was grinding, even if the enemies were easy, because I could kill each person differently and with different spells. But thats just me, and I respect them as reasons for you not liking it.

Ohh, I hate grinding too, unless there is some real purpose to it, or i have spangly spells.
Neverwinter nights has a fair bit of grinding, but Call lightning or fireball or whatever makes it all better. Destruction loving thickie at times.
zorg wrote:
I suppose thats true, and your reasoning actually made me like the game a little less... and I think the only way you were meant to beat the last level was with wonders. Plus, the AI was a little crappy (sure let me take cities one by one rather than send out your massively superior army to decimate my blooming civilization. And yeah okay cool be agressive, thats fun, but when you're repeatedly sending single squads of 20 men at my tethered warmachine, thats a little sillly dont you think?)
Multiplayer would've been nice. But i still think its a good game
I've heard its possible to do the last level with a legion of armies, but to be honest I was so bored out of my mind by that point that I just chucked a tornado at everything to cross it off my list (I refuse to not finish a game that is playable.
Still, saying that Fable is a fun game to play when the most testing moment of a game is whether to kill Thunder or let him suffer as I kill his sister, take his true love and humiliate him infront of the world.
I really did hate Thunder.