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GameFaqs Summer Character Contest 2004

Sun Aug 01, 2004 5:30 pm

You knew it was coming. I guess the character contest started today, although I thought it was starting on August 1st. If you haven't signed up, unfortunately its too late to, but if you have then it has just started ^-^. Although this topic sank last year, there just had to be another one. Although this year it seems like another Link vs. Cloud match, Megaman has built up an even bigger fanbase than last year (as if it wasn't big enough already ^-^). This year just seems so very predictable, although Zero is ranked #4 in his bracket.

If you've never heard of it, its at GameFaqs.com, vote on the poll, then click "View Full Bracket" (if you haven't done it before). Basically each day, two video game characters are pitted against each other and put into a poll where visiters vote for which they like better (if anyone tell you its for which character IS better, then they are lying). The character that wins goes to the next round against another opponent. Basically a clash of the fanboys (why do I have to like all of the underdogs?)

So I guess the first question is, who do you think is going to win it all and how do you think the first round is going to go? Obviously the first match is a given. :p

Win it all : Link (He's got a new game coming out and he's already won one year and his popularity is definately not quelling.)

First round:


Mega Man
Tommy Vercetti
Master Chief


Ryu (SF)
V. Joe (Don't remember how to spell it... -.-;)
Ryu Hayabusa (Poor Jill.... sniff...)
Sam Fisher
Samus Aran

The fanboyism begins... ^-^

Sun Aug 01, 2004 5:50 pm

People were trying to nominate obscure 'characters' the the L-shaped block from Tetris and the Carrier from Starcraft. At least the brackets look saner than I thought they would be.

Sun Aug 01, 2004 5:56 pm

Yeah, but somehow CATS manages to make it seed 16 for the third year in a row -.-; Just like ever other year, he gets smashed. Too bad Tails, Jill, and Laharl are all going to get beaten down.

Looks like we're going to have a Megaman vs. Zero Mmatch this year. That should be interesting...

Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:28 pm

*sniff sniff* LUE didn't get Ogmo nominated.

Or the right paddle in pong. >.<

<insert lueshi>

Lets face it folks, it's either Cloud or Link. Stupid fanboys...

Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:20 pm

GO MEGAMAN! I hate final fantasy vii and if cloud or seriwhatever makes it to the top 4 I will be out to KILL!

Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:24 pm

Of course I want Link to win. Really though, I think that both Link and Cloud should not be allowed in the contest this year since they have already won. I think that the reining champion should get a special place off to the side, not in the contest. That way it'll be more interesting. Then later on, after so many years and so many winenrs they could go back and have a best of the best contest.

Anyway... [waves her 'Go Link!' flag]

Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:29 pm

zero!AKArbpnmn wrote:GO MEGAMAN! I hate final fantasy vii and if cloud or seriwhatever makes it to the top 4 I will be out to KILL!

Get your arms ready, because you're going to do a lot of killing.
While I would like to see some new characters in the top 4, Cloud/Sephiroth will definately make it. While they might not win, one of them will make it to the top 4 (Whoever wins the Cloud vs. Sephiroth match). Link better win. >.>

rageaholic wrote:Of course I want Link to win. Really though, I think that both Link and Cloud should not be allowed in the contest this year since they have already won. I think that the reining champion should get a special place off to the side, not in the contest. That way it'll be more interesting. Then later on, after so many years and so many winenrs they could go back and have a best of the best contest.

Anyway... [waves her 'Go Link!' flag]

Agreed, I would definately like to see who would win after Link, Cloud, Sephiroth, Mario, Sonic, Samus, Snake, and yes, Megaman (Basically the strongest 8 ) are out of the contest. Of course that would take many years, but I would be interested.

Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:08 pm

I'd like to see some progress for some of the new characters.

Ryu hayabusa is a great character in ninja gaiden, and the DOA games are brilliant. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got more strength than we expect.

Of course, He has no chance against Cloud or Link or whoever but then again, who does?

I can't remember who I have winning it, but I have Cloud verus Link in th final.

Personally, I'd love to see Bowser get somewhere, as he is an utterly cool character. But we all know it's RPGfaqs.com ^^ RPG's win, Shooters lose. Badly.

Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:22 pm

Seeing as badly as Halo did in the Best. Game. Ever. contest a few months back (lost to Starcraft 1st seed to 16th seed [it also beat Kingdom Hearts and then Windwaker, a surprise to a lot of people...]), XBox characters like Master Chief and Ryu Hayabusa are possibly the most difficult to place. Seeing as Ninja Gaiden is still in the Top 10 on the site, there's a slight possiblity of Ryu going further than M Chief. I just wish that Jill could have been placed somewhere where she could actually get to the next round... She's the reason my bracket went to crap last year...

*throws Squall to the floor and stomps on his head*

Ahhhh, I feel a little bit better now...

Anyway, tomorrow's match Ganondorf vs. Alucard. Ganon is the villian in one of the most well known series ever (doesn't really need much explanation), and Alucard starred in one of the best PSX games ever "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night". Either way, this match doesn't really matter since the winner wil be squashed by Link. ^-^

Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:43 am

I just wish CJayC would do a Villian Character Battle(which would Character Battle with only videogames villians in it) so he and rest of the people interesting these Character Battle could find who is the most popular villian according the GameFAQS and us.

If cheating occurs in the Link vs. Alucard match (should Alucard get past Ganondor) in the favor Alucard(who never seems to lose in the first round) then that would be annoying. If Ganondorf beat Alucard then I can see a easy win for Link and us seeing 3 battles between characters from the same game in the Second Round with them being between Link and Ganondorf, Yoshi and Luigi & finally Bowser and Mario.

Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:13 am


I was crushed when he was eaten by Sonic last year... But it shall not happen again! GOOOOOOOOOOOO ZEROOOOOOO!!! :hug:

Mon Aug 02, 2004 3:17 am

Yet again...I signed MegaMan to win it all though I've converted to being a Cloud/Link fan thanks to replaying FF7/KH and Finally getting a few Zelda games. :P I went with the under dog.

Only charater I HATE to win it all is Sephiroth. He's still overrated crud to me and will always be overrated in my eyes.

I love how Ceej made CATS do round 1. CATS is the only joke charater allowed in the contest.

I'm worried on the Crono vs Magus and mario vs crono....kinda tell how my bracket went. I actaully chose Crono to beat Mario this year...and I have always picked mario over him. <_<

I shall never look at Starcraft the same after the Spring contest. :o

Mon Aug 02, 2004 3:20 am

As long as Sephykins leaves my Zero baby alone, I'll still love them both. Wait, he killed Megaman. CURSE YOU, SEPHIROTH!!!

Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:53 am

Where the hell is Felix or Alex! I demand Golden Sun :P

I'll just vote for Kirby and Link...

Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:56 am

Zero! wrote:As long as Sephykins leaves my Zero baby alone, I'll still love them both. Wait, he killed Megaman. CURSE YOU, SEPHIROTH!!!

Well for that to happen, Spehiroth will have to beat Cloud and Zero will have to beat Megaman. I doubt your "Sephykins" (gah, I remember that from the first year Summer Contest topic -.-;) will ever touch Zero.

I didn't realize that today WAS August 1st. For some reason, my computer clock has been stuck on Saturday the 22 for the last week or so... I depend on that for the date when school is out... Stupid computer... hate you, hate you, hate you! *smacks the comp* "Internal Fatal Error" Oooopss... >.>
Last edited by Kugetsu on Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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