PC, X-Box, Playstation 2, Gamecube and so on. Hints, tips and discussion here.
Mon May 12, 2008 6:48 pm
All I have to say has been summed up in this comment.
I can see it already, I nice looking piece of machinery with all the promise in the world that is only allowed to play Apple games, use Apple peripherals and addons and be technologically inferior to its competitiors by a couple of years but fanboys will buy it anyway.

*waits to be eaten by fanpeople*
Mon May 12, 2008 10:49 pm
Helena wrote:All I have to say has been summed up in this comment.
I can see it already, I nice looking piece of machinery with all the promise in the world that is only allowed to play Apple games, use Apple peripherals and addons and be technologically inferior to its competitiors by a couple of years but fanboys will buy it anyway.

*waits to be eaten by fanpeople*
I dunno, the comment makes me think more along the lines of;
"Apple will remove fear. Apple will remove sex and class and colour and creed. You will become identical. You will become like Apple"
Wed May 14, 2008 2:59 am
*smites Helena*
That's what you get for dissing Apple.
I personally have a bit of an issue with this. If apple want to release a games console, well then they should first focus on making their computers more gamer friendly!
I am a faithful Mac user (she said typing frantically on her MacBook Pro) but I am also a gamer, and sadly there is still that limited selection to what games I can play on my mac, which is why I have 5 computers in the house. One of which is my gaming PC which is soon going to replaced with a new computer.
I couldn't really care if Apple DOES release a separate gaming console, it probably would be amazing anyway so I'd buy it, but I first want to see Apple focusing on home and making a stronger stand against big gaming companies so they do produce Mac compatible games. Once this happens Apple's sales will boost because so many people won't buy a mac for the simple reason that it can't play the games they love.
As much as I love Apple, they do have their heads up someone else's butts from time to time.
Wed May 14, 2008 4:07 am
I'd love it if they did, i had only 1 non-apple computer, which i used for games only and stuff that couldnt work for mac and i HATED it, it kept getting viruses and stuff, i sold it :p now i only have 5 computers/laptops (each for a specific task).....i'll just stick to PS and Wii i guess.... if they do release a console thingy, i'm sure to buy it

but maybe i'll buy a MacBook Air first.....its pretty cheap.....*mumbles on what to buy first*
Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:13 am
Mac is the nub machine for people who need things handed to them. The only reason PC gets more virus is because of human error and there are just more viruses. Its not really because Mac is more secured. Im sure they could crack it just as easily if they wanted.
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