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Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:13 pm
OMG Spore is so cool heres some videos
and is it out yet? my bro wants it too and hes getting a new cp and it looks like it costs a lot and takes up alot of space in the cp so yeah ... how much? and is it out?
Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:29 am
Unirove wrote:OMG Spore is so cool heres some videos
http://media.pc.ign.com/media/735/735340/vids_1.htmland is it out yet? my bro wants it too and hes getting a new cp and it looks like it costs a lot and takes up alot of space in the cp so yeah ... how much? and is it out?
Spore isn't out yet, its coming out March-July next year. It (probably) doesn't take up much room (I imagine it'll be similar size to the Sims 2) cause all the data files are a few kb each, which isn't much.
And we already had a topic about Spore back at E3-time when there was actually new info.
Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:18 am
I think i remember reading that, due to most of the content being generated by your computer in relation to your purdy species, the game install wont be bigger than one DVD disk. But all the crap you generate will mean it takes up alotta space, but nothing too huge.
And it'll cost as much as any game? (i assume so?)
Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:49 am
It shouldn't be too big. Probably one DVD, maybe not even that.
But it'll take a huge toll on your computer resources, that's for sure. Get ready to upgrade your computers if you wanna get the most of the game.
Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:13 am
ria wrote:Spore isn't out yet, its coming out March-July next year.
Wha-? I thought it was coming out this November! When was the release date pushed back?
Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:18 am
DiscordantNote wrote:ria wrote:Spore isn't out yet, its coming out March-July next year.
Wha-? I thought it was coming out this November! When was the release date pushed back?
A couple of weeks ago

Will Wright did a really nice interveiw with gamespot and revealed what stage they-re up to (still programming) so its nowhere near finished.
Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:50 am
What I think might be a problem with spore is its snapshot effect. You only experience a wee bit of the experience on each 'level' before you move upwards.
Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:59 am
Christopher wrote:What I think might be a problem with spore is its snapshot effect. You only experience a wee bit of the experience on each 'level' before you move upwards.
Explain? I dont get that, surely you could just spend aslong as you want until you chose to go to the next level?
Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:33 am
From the demo videos I've seen, I've been left wondering just how long you can continue with the level. When you are at the individual animal level you can eat, fight, mate, etc, but then what? At the city level the complexity doesn't seem to quite be as great as a simcity game, and with only one city on the next phase it doesn't look to have the scale of civ.
It'd be cool if once you reach city level you could return to single player mode and play RPG style
Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:05 pm
Christopher wrote:It'd be cool if once you reach city level you could return to single player mode and play RPG style

That would be cool, but if they don't include it in the main version of the game, you know they'll release expansion packs for it, just like they did with TS1 and TS2. And SimCity.
Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:36 am
K thanks every body
Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:46 pm
Christopher wrote:From the demo videos I've seen, I've been left wondering just how long you can continue with the level.
From the one video I've seen (the really long one posted awhile back) it sounds like you only move on as your creature gets smarter and eventually sentient. If you don't upgrade your creature's brain, you can't advance. Therefore you can spend as much time as you want in the creature phases. Heck, you can probably spend the whole game in the ocean if you wanted to.
Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:07 am
DiscordantNote wrote:Christopher wrote:From the demo videos I've seen, I've been left wondering just how long you can continue with the level.
From the one video I've seen (the really long one posted awhile back) it sounds like you only move on as your creature gets smarter and eventually sentient. If you don't upgrade your creature's brain, you can't advance. Therefore you can spend as much time as you want in the creature phases. Heck, you can probably spend the whole game in the ocean if you wanted to.
I meant in a 'how long could you possibly spend doing things' on the level. As in how long until your interest in it runs dry.
Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:42 pm
Christopher wrote:DiscordantNote wrote:Christopher wrote:From the demo videos I've seen, I've been left wondering just how long you can continue with the level.
From the one video I've seen (the really long one posted awhile back) it sounds like you only move on as your creature gets smarter and eventually sentient. If you don't upgrade your creature's brain, you can't advance. Therefore you can spend as much time as you want in the creature phases. Heck, you can probably spend the whole game in the ocean if you wanted to.
I meant in a 'how long could you possibly spend doing things' on the level. As in how long until your interest in it runs dry.
Oh. I guess it would depend on a few things...the almost contant addition of new critters from other people would keep me busy. Plus, you could change your mind about hoe you want your creature to look like completely and spend a long time in a level to modify it without starting over completely.
Has anyone seen the screenshots on the main Spore website? They're not very realistic, but they're beautiful nonetheless.
Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:32 pm
Has anyone seen the clip of Robin Williams playing Spore? It's really funny to watch. It's like twenty minutes of goodness. Me like. When is the game actually being released?
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