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Addicted to....

Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:34 am

video games.... not the video games like x-box, or the ones you have to install, im addicted to the ones that come with the computer, i've had a recent addiction to the reversi game, i played like all today and i only lost a couple. Last week it was pinball, with over a million points.... i've just started to play hearts, although im not very good at it... anyway, has/does anyone had/have this addiction, if so how do i stop it....

Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:32 am

Yes. Solitaire. I'm addicted to the point where I won't put certain cards with certain other cards because they'll be unhappy, or I can't end a game with an odd score because it's bad luck. Unfortunately, I don't know of any cures. Sorry!

Reversi is fun^^

Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:20 am

Delete those games.

Don't search for any more.

Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:01 pm

only one million pinball points? :P

They'll all get old eventually, so don't worry too much.

Or go back and work on your pinball score, haha.

Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:23 pm

I've found Minesweeper and Freecell to be extremely addicting, but alas, they are not on my computer for some reason. I have to go to the other household one to play them. :(

Also, since this topic is about PC gaming, it shall be moved to Console & PC Gaming shortly. :)

Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:46 pm

what's really fun is hacking your computer's high scores so all the minesweeper ones are all 1 second. my friend did that. or you can have your friends over and have a custom minesweeper board with max mines and minimum space, and see who can survive the most clicks. i did 4.

Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:51 pm

Ragnarok, I know it all old hat but I find it fun and addictive...leave me alone!
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