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Katamari Damacy

Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:10 pm

My friend convinced me to spend 20 bucks on this game called Katamari Damacy. And let me tell you, I love it. It's crazy. It's completely random. Anyone hear of it, play ir or love it like I do?
For those who never heard of it, you are this little green prince dude. The King accidently destroyed all of the stars and now you have to rebuild them. How? By rolling a sticky ball around Earth picking up random objects from pushpins, to choclate, to sushi, to cats, to people and even buildings. O_O;; The music is excellent and just as rancom as the game. I can't believe I didn't buy it sooner! <3

Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:56 pm

I've heard about it. It sounds like such a simple concept, but I've heard some good things about it. I mean a little guy rolling a sticky ball of random stuff around? O_o Still, I might rent it next time I'm at my local Blockbuster if I can remember to.

Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:38 pm

That is an awesome game!! and it was only 30 bucks(canadian)!

Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:19 am

I love that game! (I own it) It's so cool, but it gets a little difficult at points, but it's so innovative and addicting, I can't stop playing it.

Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:54 pm

CrewWolf wrote:I've heard about it. It sounds like such a simple concept, but I've heard some good things about it. I mean a little guy rolling a sticky ball of random stuff around? O_o Still, I might rent it next time I'm at my local Blockbuster if I can remember to.

Oh you should definetley at least rent it. It's really hard to explain this game to someone who never tried it. When my friend Jessica was telling me about it I gave her this blank stare and said "But...why?" :P

The game is worth buying just for the crazy intro scene and the fun music. ^_^

Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:56 am

That game makes me happy.

It also gives me the munchies. *wanders off humming "Wanda Wanda"*

Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:52 pm

I just bought it yesterday. I have a horrible problem with turning and I'm stuck on the "Make a Star 4" level. I suppose I just have to play it a few more times, but it is fairly diffcult. GREATEST.THEME.SONG.EVER XD

Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:49 am

I'd like to try the game, though I hear it is the most out there of games. Watching it on X-play they did give it high review and a 2nd one is also on the way. So who knows maybe I may try it. Or maybe they can makes it for my nintendo ds, lol.

Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:35 pm

galonski64 wrote:I'd like to try the game, though I hear it is the most out there of games. Watching it on X-play they did give it high review and a 2nd one is also on the way. So who knows maybe I may try it. Or maybe they can makes it for my nintendo ds, lol.

Yeah, I saw it on X-play. But I don't have the kind of money to go buying random games like that, so...

Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:26 am

Kugetsu wrote:I just bought it yesterday. I have a horrible problem with turning and I'm stuck on the "Make a Star 4" level. I suppose I just have to play it a few more times, but it is fairly diffcult. GREATEST.THEME.SONG.EVER XD

I was stuck on Make a Star 4 for a while either. It gets easier as you practice. And with turning, I never really turn. I just press in the analog sticks to flip over. Less time, more objects, more fun. ^___^

The theme song is amazing. When I bought it, the guy at the cash register started humming it. I thought he was just musical. Heh, heh. Na na na na na na naaaa na na.

Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:53 pm

Have you gotten 100% on any of the constellation levels yet? Those seem somewhat impossible to score perfect on. o_0

Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:57 am

Kugetsu wrote:Have you gotten 100% on any of the constellation levels yet? Those seem somewhat impossible to score perfect on. o_0

I've gotten 100 % on Cancer and Cygnus, but I'm the kind of person who'd try it again and again until I did. Currently I'm stuck on the Make A Star 9, and showing no progress.

The cinematics and voiceovers are great, plus, the King of All Cosmos' scritchy-scratchy noise is really cool.

Let's Roll Up To Be A Single Star In The Sky la la la la

Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:50 pm

I'm on Make a Star 7 and am currently trying to get the Ursa Minor (or Major, I forget) Constellation. I keep accidentally picking up bears. For MaS7, I'll just have to keep trying. I love the sound the people make when they have met the great sticky ball of doom. ^_^

Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:13 pm

Kugetsu wrote:I'm on Make a Star 7 and am currently trying to get the Ursa Minor (or Major, I forget) Constellation. I keep accidentally picking up bears. For MaS7, I'll just have to keep trying. I love the sound the people make when they have met the great sticky ball of doom. ^_^

Oi, Ursa Major I've just given up on. Everytime I get HUGE, I accidently roll up a stupid tiny bear sculpture. Grr! And there's another one like that, Make Taurus. Oh boy. But that game is excellent, despite the fact that I've never gotten 100% on any constellations yet. Can't wait for the second one to come out!

Hey, I just noticed I'm listening to the soundtrack right now. :)

Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:17 pm

Must... get... soundtrack... XD The soundtrack is actually awesome. :lol:

I loved "Make a Star 8", the first time you are actually larger than everything on the entire level and can roll over houses and buildings. Brought a tear to my eye. ;_;
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