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Tue May 22, 2007 11:23 pm

floella_de_ville wrote:Does anyone else agree that the new looking for group is completely useless
I never get groups for instances anymore or if you do you get 3 hunters and 2 warriors because you can't specify what you need grrrrr

Meh, I don't use it much.

You can specify not to auto-add, and just check the tool every so often.
What I normally just do is do a /who priest and then whisper everyone around the level range to ask if they can come.

Almost 80% of the time I can find a party without a half hour. :) My BF hates pugs but they do the job.

Wed May 23, 2007 1:49 pm

Server: Eonar
Character: Autty - 70 Human Priest

Figured I would add my name to the list of WoW addicts, I have been playing since a month after its release. Before that, it was 6 years on Everquest, argh! My husband and I met on Everquest, and well, now we do this together.

Re: World of Warcraft

Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:14 pm

I'm a huge wow addict :lol: :lol:
Main: Crazyshots
Alt: Kined

Its fun and enjoying though!

Re: World of Warcraft

Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:49 pm

I generally avoid P2P games, plus my computer probably couldn't run it at the moment. I had to reformat a while back, and lost most my drivers in the process, and reinstalling didn't fix everything. Nevertheless I am interested in starting the game eventually. I'm not sure what race or class I'm going with though. I like the undead abilities, but not the character models. Likewise, from all the videos I've seen, I hate all of the male gnome models. I may just go with one of the cuter female gnome models and have him blow up anytime someone mistakes his gender :lol:.

Re: World of Warcraft

Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:40 am

My boyfriend and I and some of our friends just started playing a month ago ..... soooo fun, and so addictive!

My main is a night elf hunter on Blackrock . I have a coolo rare raptor (Takk the Leaper) for a pet <3


Montecito: I quite like the male gnomes! This little guy (our guild bank character) is cute, I think! :)


Re: World of Warcraft

Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:15 pm

After a very long break, I have bought the expansion pack! ^^ So these are my characters now.

Wyldfyre -- Night Elf -- Hunter -- Level 30

Kirin Tor:
Phyrestorm -- Blood Elf -- Hunter -- Level 21
Stormstar -- Draenei -- Shaman -- Level 9

Re: World of Warcraft

Sun Jul 29, 2007 11:07 am

Yay for the exp. pack, Twiz! <3

I didn't know you had characters on Kirin Tor as well. I'll have to look them up. :) Although, as I haven't had much free time lately, I don't play my blood elf much. I'm trying to work on my nelf on Duskwood mostly. :)

Re: World of Warcraft

Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:12 am

I have characters scattered all over the Realms o' Wow. My main (Ledi) is on Turalyon, though, and she's a level 70 Undead Warlock (who just happens to be 2/3 through revered with Netherwing. So close to a Netherdrake to go with my Netherwhelp!)

On Aman'Thul I have Ledi, a 50 Night Elf Druid, who is kind of my second main, but hasn't been played much since the expansion came out.

I also have:

Ledi - L9 BE Mage on Nagrand,
Ledi - L26 Human Priest on Dethecus,
Ledi - L7 Dranei Mage on Shadow Council
A load of level 17-25s on Durotan, where my main used to be. She gathered, they crafted. Unfortunately... when my main was transferred, they became mostly useless. Kamaina, Viere, Scynis... I like names with no numbers etc in them.

I've tried every race and class, and I have to say that Warlocks are my favourite, as well as being my first character. Although I wish I could turn the demon voices off. Hearing "I play all my records backwards" every ten seconds gets old really fast.

Oh, and guess what my general naming convention is? ^^; It's just easier, really. I have friends on each of the realms that I play on and it's so convenient for them to just whisper "Ledi" and know there's a chance that it's me. When I'm talking about them I use Undead!Ledi for my 70, then Druid!Ledi and Priest!Ledi.

Re: World of Warcraft

Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:20 am

Ledi, I actually stumbled on an addon yesterday that sounds perfect for you!

It's (amusingly) named ...(something that I'm not allowed to say due to PPT's filters, but it's "just" an acronym)..., and it replaces the imp's sounds. I'm not sure there's something similar for other minions. Looks like it just replaces a sound file, though.

Re: World of Warcraft

Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:25 am

I guess I should post, seeing as how I made this thread in the first place long ago.

I've stopped playing until the next expansion pack for now. 70 dwarf warrior by the name of Horius on Dragonblight. He just got boring and I got sick of playing, especially trying to get my Hunter from 43 to 70, stupid old world content.

But, I look forward to Wrath of the Lich King alot.


Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:11 pm

Hunter Lupe wrote:Did I mention that the expansion is awesome? :)

Heh, I love that instance..its one of the easiest for a tank as long as the DPS holds its own.

Level 70 Druid on Altar of Storms - Bandarno.

world of warcraft

Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:24 pm

Now, I haven't actually played this myself, but I am dead keen to go out and get it since it looks absolutely fantastic.
Im not too sure though if paying to play would go well with me after a while, but I want to get some insight from actual players since i know plenty of people who thought the same until they tried it.

So any advice?
Last edited by 3lla on Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: world of warcraft

Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:34 pm

I played for quite a while and it is fantastic! I stopped because I'm not a big fan of pay for play. But I'm kinda a hypocrite because I have premium. :D

But it is fantastic and I would deem it pretty worth while.

Re: World of Warcraft

Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:04 am

I think WoW is fantastic and that everyone should play it. lol To me, it's worth what you pay. There's always something to do and everything is so darn gorgeous. I could just walk around and look at the scenery and still feel I got my monies worth. haha :) Besides, you can cancel anytime. If you ever decide you need a break, you can stop payment and pick it up again later if you so choose. :)

Re: world of warcraft

Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:26 pm

ellamcumber wrote:Now, I haven't actually played this myself, but I am dead keen to go out and get it since it looks absolutely fantastic.
Im not too sure though if paying to play would go well with me after a while, but I want to get some insight from actual players since i know plenty of people who thought the same until they tried it.

So any advice?

I'm waiting on Warhammer online before I decide to tap into the MMORPG arena.
The thought of playing a Chaos lord of Tzeentch and blasting half an empire village into dust is way too cool.

Or possibly the 40K MMORPG.
Asthaloth, Magus of Nurgle, herald of the end times, the encroaching Darkness.
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