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Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Tue May 05, 2009 7:26 pm

Pink wrote:so what do you think, ginny and Helena?

It's not my type of game but my brother loves it <3

Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Wed May 06, 2009 1:21 am

I like how the energy refreshes so quick!! Although it does make me return over and over again to the site grrr.

Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Sat May 09, 2009 6:17 pm

Hey, They Man Who Always Changes His Name here, I play and my main is a Viking named foobz. I love the quest system!

Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Mon May 25, 2009 4:31 pm

VPN has become my newest addiction on the net. It took a while to get into... but the sense of humor there cracks me up. I forgot how much fun a game is when Adam and Donna are running it. For instance, today is towel day in honor of Douglas Adams. Towels and Robes are for sale in the shops. Sadly, its replacing my love for Neo, which feels stale and soulless as of late.

If you there, my pirate is named Matrinka! If you feel like signing up, care to give me a little bit of fame (aka, use this link and we can help each other) http://www.vpnwars.com/meteor/vpn/redir/signup/?ra=4585

Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Wed May 27, 2009 6:54 am

True true. I like the humor there.

Buh uh... does this remind anyone of Neopets' early days? Let this game grow... and then lets see what happens.

Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Wed May 27, 2009 9:30 pm

Just found the game about two days ago. You guys can add me if you want, my name over there is Afrael (as in most RPGs) :)

I enjoy the references to pop-culture. I spotted at least one to Hitchicker's Guide and I think the logs (description: "It's made of wood") may be a reference to Monty Python ("So... if she weighs the same as a duck... she is made of wood!")

Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Thu May 28, 2009 12:46 am

The pop culture references are a given. It IS Donna Williams and Adam Powell after all.

I'm a ninja on there by the way. What is everyone else?

Search for me. I am "Kym Hound Grip".

Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Thu May 28, 2009 10:49 pm

Okay, this does look interesting. Made up a viking- Zurin Fireson if you want to add me.
I think I'll go poke around a bit for now.

Added everyone as friends (I think). This should be very interesting.

Re: Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas

Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:45 am

Wow, I need to post more often on here.

My main is a viking named Kangura Rowe, if anyone wants to add me. :3

And if your signing up...

*blatant plug*
I tried to get my friends to sign up, they wouldn't. So ya. :P
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