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Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:58 pm

*throws a flipflop at Jahbal... with a rabid chipmunk riding it*

Vivi versus Sephiroth... Not faaiiir! Vivi's so much cuter... D:

Auron versus Sephiroth... I can't watch my dear Aurry get slaughtered... :cry:

Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:04 pm

In a way I wanna see Auron get slaughtered to see Zero's reaction.... :roll:

Vivi has 30%, last I cheked, of Sephy...that's actaully a good thing. ;)

Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:59 pm

I wonder how she'll react when Zero goes down (-_o)

*jabs Zero with a plastic spork*

I'm going to tie you to a chair and clotherpin your eyes open and MAKE you watch Auron get slaughtered.

*cackles evilly*



Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:38 am

Zero wrote:I never said Squall was drop-dead-hawt-drool-over handsome... But hey, he's not ugly. :lol:

Meh, Earthbound was okay, but I got bored with it quick. Mainly because my emulator didn't have sound... XD

*waves little Auron flags* Go go Aurry go go! :battar:

Emulator? You're evil! :evil: Think about all the money companies are losing on games they no longer sell. :cry:

Uh, never mind. You do what you want. I don't have a real problem with that.
Seriously, it doesn't have sound? Here's a hint: get a better emulator or ...buy an actual copy. *gasp*
sorry if I offended you. It's not intentional.

But this is.
Go Mega Man! Crush Zero!!!

Note: The opinions represented in this message do not necessarily reflect those of the author.

You no like Earthbound? Hurry grab the holy water, we must save her!

That sounds familiar. Didn't I get a response like that when I said I never played a Mega Man game?

Re: emulation

Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:12 am

optimus_87_ca wrote:
You no like Earthbound? Hurry grab the holy water, we must save her!

That sounds familiar. Didn't I get a response like that when I said I never played a Mega Man game?

Exactimundo! That's my job, to save the lost souls of the VG world... ...WAIT! We never finished saving you did we? Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah SAVED! Ok, you're free to go.

Ohhhhh Sonic's barely beating out Ryu today... that's not very good on Sonic's part...

Re: emulation

Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:04 pm

optimus_87_ca wrote:Seriously, it doesn't have sound? Here's a hint: get a better emulator or ...buy an actual copy. *gasp*

Notice how I say my emulator DIDN'T have sound. It does now... if I had it on this computer. :P

Ahh, Sonic, murderer of Zero... Yet, I am afraid I have to vote for him... I have over 130 hours on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

*hurls flip-flops with poison-tipped spikes on the edges at Optimus* :evil:

Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:52 pm

AHHHH! CRONO'S KILLING MARIO! You guys are turning your back on the father of gaming!

Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:54 pm

Okay, who's better: an adorable red-haired spiky-haired dude with a super awesome sword and the powers of lightning... or a fat plumber?

Hey, Mario's good and all, but Crono is more awesome. 8)

Four days until Auron's death... Wait... Isn't Auron already dead? ...That means he cannot be killed! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HE IS INVINCIBLE HAHAHAHAHA!!! ^____^

Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:11 am

Zero wrote:Four days until Auron's death... Wait... Isn't Auron already dead? ...That means he cannot be killed! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HE IS INVINCIBLE HAHAHAHAHA!!! ^____^

Keep on thinking that if it makes you happy...

*uses Phoenix Down on Auron*

... I do.

Cheers to Sephy!

Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:26 am

Zero wrote:Okay, who's better: an adorable red-haired spiky-haired dude with a super awesome sword and the powers of lightning... or a fat plumber?

Hey, Mario's good and all, but Crono is more awesome. 8)

Four days until Auron's death... Wait... Isn't Auron already dead? ...That means he cannot be killed! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HE IS INVINCIBLE HAHAHAHAHA!!! ^____^
A fat plumber... who can chuck fireballs, fly, wear a lot of funny suits, grow big :P, and ride a dino, race, golf, play tennis among many other things. ;)

Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:41 am

Jahbal wrote:
Zero wrote:Okay, who's better: an adorable red-haired spiky-haired dude with a super awesome sword and the powers of lightning... or a fat plumber?

Hey, Mario's good and all, but Crono is more awesome. 8)

Four days until Auron's death... Wait... Isn't Auron already dead? ...That means he cannot be killed! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HE IS INVINCIBLE HAHAHAHAHA!!! ^____^
A fat plumber... who can chuck fireballs, fly, wear a lot of funny suits, grow big :P, and ride a dino, race, golf, play tennis among many other things. ;)

And not to mention a Water pak that makes him go fast. Crono's good, but Mario is better! :P

Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:07 am

Fireballs - Crono can just counter 'em with thunderballs.
Fly - We've all learned from Pokemon, that when you use Thunder on an enemy using Fly, it does DOUBLE the damage.
Funny suits - ...I do like the Tanookie suit, so he wins there!
Grow big - Crono's Luminaire grows big too. ^_^
Ride dino - Crono's got a jet bike (or at least he does in the future)! HA!
Race - Crono races on that!
Golf - They didn't have golf in 1000 A.D. NOT FAIR!
Tennis - Read above.
Water Pack - Once again from Pokemon, Water is weak against lightning.

*waves Crono-rocks-and-Mario-doesn't-ha-ha-HA flags* Wheeeeeeee!!! :D


Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:18 am

Okay, I've played Chrono Trigger before; haven't figured out where to go in the future. It's a pretty cool RPG, but I've liked Mario for a long time, and I'm not going to abandon him for a guy that doesn't even have an H in his name. :) Stupid five character limit.
Tsk, tsk. Mario did better than this in the previous competitions.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:06 pm

Mario will squash Crono with his mighty hammer!!

Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:18 pm

Yurble the Kid wrote:Mario will squash Crono with his mighty hammer!!

I sad to say that Crono beat Mario. Below is how it ended.

Crono 53.24% 51430
Mario 46.76% 45165

Anyway today's match is Mega Man vs. Zero and Mega Man is currently beating Zero at the moment.
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