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Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:19 pm

Dawn2 wrote:I painted my old house with mud when I was little. By the time we moved, which was at least five years later, it still hadn't washed off yet and we had to re-paint it or no one would buy the house. :P I've never made a mud pie before...

Haha,that reminds me of a good one.

Once,me and Molly(old friend) took mud..and threw it at a tree. Oh,man,that was fun.. :roflol: That lasted forever before om saw us. We were covered in mud,so she sent Molly home. That made us so mad cause she was gonna stay for dinner. :lol:

I feel bad for the bugs on that tree.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:40 pm

Shifty wrote:When I was at a horse back riding camp, while we weren't riding on horses me and my friends would galoup around pretending to be the rider and the horse... It was stupid but fun.

Me and my friend used to do that too! Just.. withuot the horse back riding camp. When we got bored of the game, we would add a twist like seeing which horse could stay on a teetertotter longest with the other horse jumping on the other end.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:21 pm

We build a "village" out of grass and stuff... it was really cool actually. :P I miss being young and crazy. WAIT! I still am! Oh goody!

Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:05 am

Putting small pieces of rocks in our nose and blowing it out. :lol:

Of course, one rock got stock in my nose and the teacher had to pluck it out.. lol

Thu Jul 01, 2004 3:22 am


Well, we played the "hot lava game" as it was so dubbed where there was a hot lava monster in the woodchips at the playground, and we had to have her not touch us, or we would become hot lava monsters...

We cut off a tree branch like a good two inches in diamater off with a toy took a whole dang afternoon, but we were determined. *laughs* You can see where we stopped to go get lemonade and cookies and there is a notch where we started sawing again afterwards...:)

We went to the abandoned (at that time) railroad behind out house and pulled out nails and plates and made "tile" around the bottom of our tree fort. (That same track runs mill trains on it...we all just sorta whistle and turn the other

Hmm, what else...

We did normal weird kid stuff, like make TV shows out of old fride boxes with holes in the side for the screen...

*laughs* We played cops and robbers, but accidently lost the roll of real quarters that we were using, and freaked out for a good hour before finding it under the deck.

We picked poison ivy berries with sticks (so we wouldn't touch the leaves!) and then smooshed them in between rocks...dunno why. Made a cool color, I suppose. I think we might have used it as fake blood once...

Caught grasshoppers for the kid down the street to feed to his lizard.

Made "sand bombs" for the same kid to keep him out of our many forts in the field behind our houses by putting sand inside old water bottles...

So much more, but I won't bore you with my trip through memory lane...

Thu Jul 01, 2004 3:48 am

Lol. My friends and I used to get a long piece of white rope, and tie it round and round somebody, but leaving about a metre of rope left for someone to hold. Then then person holding the end of the rope would tug with all their might, and the person who had rope round them would go spiralling off :P It was fun, until you smashed into the wall or something.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:21 am

We had a film of shadecloth... like the stuff screen doors are made of, on top of a few planks. It was a shady place in the backyard. The only shady place in the backyard, actually.
We used to climb all over it... jump up and run across it.
Then we fell down... like, a one-story fall. Amazing we didn't get hurt worse.

There was this cheese my Dad used to buy for us. Disgusting cheese... Baby Bel or something. But it was wrapped in this red wax. If we didn't eat the wax, we would put it on the windowsill until it melted. Then we would make it into all kinds of shapes and display them proudly... on our windowsill. -.-
Needless to say, the wax figurines never lasted long. They tasted okay though.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:30 am

Childhood Memories Take 3

I remembered suddenly a family that I've since lost contact with, the Langs. I was very good friends with Andrew Lang and we did all kinds of stupid things.

- Andrew used to hide under my bed during sleepovers and jump out yelling 'Ima Faerie!!!' Needless to say this was very amusing.

- Andrew had this perculiar idea that he had a secret base where he hid his gold. Unfortunately he claimed the only way to get there was through a tree in his backyard. Everytime I went to his house I inspected the tree incase he had left it open...

- We used to play a game with his older brother Robert and younger brother Stephen, StairCase Wars, it involved one team fortifying the staircase with pillows and duvees, building walls on it out of various manchester. Basically the goal was for the defending team to hold out in their fortification for as long as possible, and the assaulting team to shove their way up the stairs to the top. It was a very strange game which involved a lot of pillow beatings.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:56 am

162 wrote:There was this cheese my Dad used to buy for us. Disgusting cheese... Baby Bel or something. But it was wrapped in this red wax. If we didn't eat the wax, we would put it on the windowsill until it melted. Then we would make it into all kinds of shapes and display them proudly... on our windowsill. -.-
Needless to say, the wax figurines never lasted long. They tasted okay though.

Yeah, I know that cheese XD When I was nine, I got a bit of that red wax and rubbed it so it was soft and smooth. Then I offered "fruit roll-up" to a boy. He fell right for it >_<

Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:36 am

Oooooh. I have more.

There was always "hide and seek in the dark" which is much much more fun than plain old hide and seek. We even had a song **sings** "Hide and seek in the dark! **snaps fingers twice, Addams Family style** Hide and seek in the dark! **snap snap** etc." The bedrooms were the designated hiding areas, so the seeker would go to the living room and count, while everyone else turned off the lights and hid. The seeker's usual tactic was to say silly things and make silly noises to get the hidden people to laugh, thus finding them by sound.

We had a sort of scavenger hunt game too. My oldest sister was always in charge. She would write clues on slips of paper, all over the house, which led to some sort of prize or something. The way it worked was, she'd hand you the first clue, it would tell you where to look, I remember one being 'under the cat' or something, so I had to go find the cat, without calling her (because then she'd move) I eventually found her sleeping on my bed, and the next clue was underneath her.

We had a game called "Hot Tamale" which involved laying a blanket on the floor, and rolling someone up in it. Great fun.

Mum used to play "Vacuum Cleaner" with us. You lay on the floor, on your back, mum picks up your feet, and holding them, pushes you around the floor as though you were a vacuum.

"Magic Carpet" you sit on a blanket and someone else pulls it around.

My sister (the one closest to my age) and I got into a huge phase of building tents. We'd arrange the dining room chairs in a circle in the living room, then drape them with blankets, and crawl inside. One time, we had done just that, when our brother pushed on one of the chairs, and the tent started collapsing. We were both lying on our backs, holding the fallen chair above us, and we started imitating the part in Jurassic Park where the two kids are lying in the jeep with nothing but a piece of glass between them and the dinosaur's mouth.
Hmm. I never really got tired of tent building. Maybe I'll build one tomorrow... even though I'm 19.

We had the game where the floor (or the grass if you're outside) is dangerous monster-infested water, and you have to travel around by climbing and stepping on anything but the floor.

Once we had a rather stupid and pointless game of jumping over the glass coffee table. That lasted until my cousin didn't make it all the way across and jumped right through it. It shattered, but he didn't get a scratch on him.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:30 am

Sapphire Faerie wrote:We had a game called "Hot Tamale" which involved laying a blanket on the floor, and rolling someone up in it. Great fun.

I used to do that too, except we used Persian Rugs which happen to be alot harder to roll out of especially if someone rolls you tightly and props you up against the wall...we called it Sandhich...

Sapphire Faerie wrote:"Magic Carpet" you sit on a blanket and someone else pulls it around.

My brothers and friends had a similar game, but much more exiting, we covered the stairs in blankets and matresses and slid down them in sleeping bags. Very fast, dangerous, and fun. I've noticed many of my childhood games involve the stairs...

Sapphire Faerie wrote:My sister (the one closest to my age) and I got into a huge phase of building tents. We'd arrange the dining room chairs in a circle in the living room, then drape them with blankets, and crawl inside. One time, we had done just that, when our brother pushed on one of the chairs, and the tent started collapsing.

I also went through the 'tent' construction phase, except mine were more like secret passage ridden crawlspaces where essentially you crawl in one in and go through a series of obsticles such as the soft toy wall of doom to get to the secret bunker inside. I even horded food in there and once didnt come out for the whole day, my parents couldn't get me as they were scared of it collapsing (Deliberately built like this) and couldn't enter themselves.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:19 pm

Christopher wrote:
Sapphire Faerie wrote:My sister (the one closest to my age) and I got into a huge phase of building tents. We'd arrange the dining room chairs in a circle in the living room, then drape them with blankets, and crawl inside. One time, we had done just that, when our brother pushed on one of the chairs, and the tent started collapsing.

I also went through the 'tent' construction phase, except mine were more like secret passage ridden crawlspaces where essentially you crawl in one in and go through a series of obsticles such as the soft toy wall of doom to get to the secret bunker inside. I even horded food in there and once didnt come out for the whole day, my parents couldn't get me as they were scared of it collapsing (Deliberately built like this) and couldn't enter themselves.

I used to do a Tent thing, too >_< I'd stack up these pillows on the bed (we have loads,) and then drape a blanket across. Sometimes they were nice and cosy and comfortable. Most of the time, it collasped too much.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:09 pm

I went through a tent phase, but my tents were blankets hung from tree branches. :P

Oh, and there was this one time when the city government had to dig a tunnel in our backyard for some reason. And I remember that it rained soon after and I sat in the tunnel and playing in it, getting myself all muddy. I stayed in the mud until I saw a worm and ran up to the porch. My mother yelled herself hoarse.

Sat Jul 03, 2004 5:37 am

the silliest thing me and my childhood friends did is running around Las Vegas wasting lots of money.

Sat Jul 03, 2004 9:50 am

We used to go down to the old train tunnel and mess about, and make dens and stuff.
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