Medusa wrote:
Twinkle wrote:
It's just odd that some people retain alchohol in their system long after they've finished drinking.
Most of the time it depends on how much the person drinks, I think on average most people's livers can only break-down 1 standard drink an hour so if they've had a few it might take awhile to completely get out of their system. I personally hate driving the day after I've been out drinking, in fact I stayed at a friends place one time until a number of hours after lunch so that I'd had more time to break-down the alcohol I'd been drinking.
Thats true, the breakdown of alcohol is one of the drugs where the speed you break it down is the same however much you have in your system (whereas many chemicals you break it down faster when thre's more in your system). And this means if you go out and drink loads you will still have alcohol in your system. i know i've woken up the morning after a nite out and still felt drunk (but i would never drive, dont worry!).
In a lot of cities they have police cars around brethalising people the morning after, because a lot of people dont realise they'r still over the limit when they are. And it serves them right if they get points or whatever the morning after, if you have to drive early in the morning dont drink so much the night before! i know we came home early on friday nite coz my housemate had to drive saturday morning and didnt want to be over the limit.
And saying you didnt know you were still over the limit is also not an excuse, because you can buy mini breathaliser kits in halfords for a couple of quid!
Medusa wrote:
In Australia people aren't allowed to exceed a BAC of 0.05 (have 0.05 grams of alcohol in their body for every 100 millilitres of their blood) if they're on a full license. Learner drivers are not allowed any traces of alcohol in their systems and Provisional drivers can only have 0.02 (which is basically an allowance for alcohol contents that may be in meals, mouth-sprays, etc).
That's true, but they hand out little cards on how much you can drink before you are over the limit. If i remember correctly its 2 drinks in the first hour and one per hour after that for blokes, and one in the first hour and one per hour after that for women. I think this is just soooo stupid, as they are actually telling people they can drink and then drive, it should say dont drink at all if you're driving.