Nifty title eh? Anyway, I was posting this because I am really angry and I don't if I'm taking this over the top or what not. Here is my story:
Today in class I was talking about Evanescence (Shocking, yes I know). I was talking about their new DVD coming out November 23rd and a girl turned around in my class (Let's call her L) and said "Oh my gosh Ammer (Not my real name)! Evanescence's new single (Missing) was on the radio today!" And I freaked out. And this guys (lets call him J) said "Oh my gosh" just to mimic her and he always tries to gain the spotlight in our class. Than he said, "Oh my gosh! Evanescence!" to mimic me. Even though I didn't say "Oh my gosh".
Anywho, he started picking fun of Evanescence (Even though he has their CD and likes it) to make me mad. He than started to compare them to
Hilary Duff. Listen I know that Evanescence isn't hardcore rock but they are in no way like Hilary Duff. Anyways, I got angry and started fight back saying Evanescence is a rock band and he said only 'true' rock bands are 'ACDC' and 'Led Zepplin' and crap. This I know. But Evanescence is a rock band. They are either Alternative Rock or Gothic Rock. I personally choose Alternative Rock. Anywho, we got into a huge arguement and I ended up leaving because I said "Think whatever you want. They're rock you moron,"
I went back to my friend and started to talk. J than walked to where the other guys were (We have few guys in our class because it's Extended French) and he started to talk about Evanescence. Now obviously I listened and one guy said "Evanescence is gay and whoever likes it is too". This fired me up. I got really angry and began to cuss at him and all the rest of the guys.
They all said they liked a few songs by them but Evanescence is supposed to be pop. And they will always be pop. Which got me even more steamed. Now, what they said next almost made me punch one of them. They said, "Amy Lee is a slut. A skank."
I lost it.
I began to defend her like mad and I swear, no one was listening to me. Everyone was ganging up on me and no one was on my side. I felt so defenseless and I was angry the whole day.
Now, I think I might've been a little overboard but Evanescence's music has helped me so much that I can't stand by and let anyone classify it as pop or make fun of it. This goes along with the singer and band as well.
Most likely everyone will say I over reacted but I don't think I did that much. I was simply angry and I just don't know.
Whadya guys think?
Edit: Edited for taking out my creative words.[
Last edited by
Ammer on Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.