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Choosing a pet bird. (Cinnamon's home!)

Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:57 am

Hello. For my mothers birthday I was thinking of buying her some finches. I already spilled the beans because I didn't know if she'd like them. (Well,I knew,but daddy insisted she would not.) Now,I have a question for you guys. What kind of bird,besides finches are small,low maintenance and cheap? Besides Parakeets. Thanks!
Last edited by Kitten Medli on Sun Aug 22, 2004 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:05 am

Just buy a few goldfinch feeders, and you can just look out your window and watch a whole bunch of them. We have about five and it's not unusual to see six goldfinches on each feeder.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:59 am

Besides finches and parakeets, there arn't any real irds in a reasonable price range that are that size, the canary is one of them but it cost quite alot.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 3:02 am

Finches are actually the only bird I can think of that are small, low maintaince, and cheap. You should probably stick with them. Or get a budgie, those are fairly cheap for a bird, but not as pretty in my opinion.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 3:13 am

Hm..well,lets take cheap and/or small off the list for wider choices..just as long as it doesnt make a mess all over the floor and have monsters size poo poo..

Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:03 am

I dunno wether you can get them where you are, but lorikeets and rosellas are really nice birds :) But I don't think thats the sort of bird your looking for, but they are really nice :roll:

Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:34 am

I think that getting a pet is a nice idea, but are you sure she wants one, an unexpected member to the family could be troublesome.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:48 am

If you're willing to swallow the initial expense of food, grindstone, a few toys, cage, cover, AND birds, then finches are good pets because they're cheap, have little doodies, and are kinda cute. Parakeets are far too loud, IMO.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 6:17 am

Christopher wrote:I think that getting a pet is a nice idea, but are you sure she wants one, an unexpected member to the family could be troublesome.

I spilled the beans,as mentioned. She said she would like a bird. She has been talking about it for years,anyway.

I will most likely get het a finch. She said she always wanted one..Only problem,I dont think those are the kind of animals you can get out and cuddle. :battar: Do you think a Canary or Cockatiel would be better?

Zorg,I dont think they sell those around here. If they did I'd snap one up in an instant. They are so cute. :)

Fri Aug 20, 2004 6:31 am

Kitten Medli wrote:
Christopher wrote:I think that getting a pet is a nice idea, but are you sure she wants one, an unexpected member to the family could be troublesome.

I spilled the beans,as mentioned. She said she would like a bird. She has been talking about it for years,anyway.

I will most likely get het a finch. She said she always wanted one..Only problem,I dont think those are the kind of animals you can get out and cuddle. :battar: Do you think a Canary or Cockatiel would be better?

Zorg,I dont think they sell those around here. If they did I'd snap one up in an instant. They are so cute. :)

Ah, good. Most birds aren't exactly cuddly so it would probably have to be something like a Cocateil, except they are notorious nippers so you would want a young one so it can get attachted.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 6:35 pm

What about Love Birds? I had them in Grade 6 and they weren't very loud. They were very peaceful birds, except for the fact the male kept destroying any eggs the female layed. Anywho, I believe they're fairly cheap or I could be wrong.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 6:44 pm

Ammer wrote:What about Love Birds? I had them in Grade 6 and they weren't very loud. They were very peaceful birds, except for the fact the male kept destroying any eggs the female layed. Anywho, I believe they're fairly cheap or I could be wrong.

Good idea,Ammer!!!!!!!! I will keep that in mind.

I am leaning further and further towards a cockatiel..if we get one,do you think he/she could be housed with my Conure? I mean,they could fight,try to kill eachother...maybe somehow have babies. (Wow,that'd be freaky.)

Fri Aug 20, 2004 6:58 pm

Kitten Medli wrote:Hm..well,lets take cheap and/or small off the list for wider choices..just as long as it doesnt make a mess all over the floor and have monsters size poo poo..

Does that mean a Dinosaur would be off the list? :(

Fri Aug 20, 2004 8:42 pm

*Jumps up and down like a maniac*

Yeah, you said no parakeets, but I think they're the best choice. If you give a lot of time and make sure they know you love them, they could become "cuddly". And if you aren't willing to wait a long time for the bond between bird and owner to form, then you really should not be getting a bird- or any pet, for that matter. No pet is treated as well as it can be treated if there's impatience involved. Oh, and 'keets do best in pairs. That still probably won't make a large price difference, you can get good parakeets for small prices. And if you need any help with them, just PM me. Dawn has done her research. :)

And might I suggest a Diamond Dove? At my local PetSmart, you can buy them for around thirty dollars a piece. They don't need toys or anything. But I think they do best in pairs. And they are really beautiful animals.

I do NOT suggest finches if you want "cuddly" birds. Finches are loud, jumpy and fast. And if one of them gets out the cage, you can just kiss it good bye if you have an open door or window. It would be the same with other birds, BUT most small birds cannot fly as fast as the finch. And if you have a limited budget, cockatiels are probably not the way to go, either. Compared to many birds, such as the conure, their prices may not seem high, but they are still very expensive, considering all of the things they need.

If you need any help or a few more recomendations, just PM me. I am a to-be parakeet owner, and I've done lots of research on them, and quite a few other birds as well.

Fri Aug 20, 2004 8:53 pm

I advise on parakeets or love birds. I know Parakeet wings can be trimmed (it isn't visible from the outside), and so you can let the jump around outside the cage too.
The love birds we had at my house were pretty loud, but they are gorgeous.
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