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Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:27 pm

Oh my god, was it weird. I was like, in this old abandoned restaurant with a bunch of people, and we decided to fix it up and re-open it. So we were doing that. And we'd gotten it all nice, so we'd made ourselves a bunch of food. And like, there were a ton of doughnuts and sticky buns. And then some old guy came in and wanted to eat there, so we let him, and then he didn't pay >=O

Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:22 pm

The first one was really depressing, the girl I was dating killed herself of something because of me and left her little sister all alone who had no choice but to live with me even though she blamed me =/

The second involved me travelling all over the world with my father and brother using this never ending series of elevators and esculators that zapped you to where you want to go, I think the system connected a chain of very large stores all over the world. I was all angry in it because I never got the chance to stop and look around or buy anything because my dad was always needing to go to the next place.

Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:57 pm

Last night I had a dream I was running away from the police. XD I don't remember what I did, but I just kept running into buildings to hide, hid in ditches, woods, whatever I could find until eventually the cops gave up and I ended up miles and miles away from my house. :P

Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:18 am

Gosh Christopher, how can you remember ALL these dreams? XD

Omg... I remember I dreamed yesterday, but I don't remember about what. I remembered at lunch time! And now I forgot!! *cries*

Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:34 am

I had an od Hitchhikers'esque dream whereby I needed to get off the planet, and convince my Dad to join me on the way. After he got into my ship (made out of 1x0.5 pieces of wood and nothing else) I decided I needed more company so I picked up 2 ladies for myself - having a flirt as I went.

I think I need help.

Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:36 am

...Ninjas. Can't remember anything other than that.

Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:26 am

This morning I dreamt that me and some other guy were walking to work and he was leading me through people's houses on the way. We'd walk into their house and sneak through and go out the back door. I kept asking him why we couldn't just walk around the houses but he claimed it was faster that way. At one point we had to even turn off some old woman's oxygen tank to get to the back door. It was all pointless. Finally we were in some house and the guy told me that I had to climb through a doggy door. I said I was too big and he claimed it was the only way out. I yelled "You're leading me through a goose chase. This is (edited for PPT)!!!!" and then I woke up.

Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:45 am

I dreamt about PPT. Thanks, Amethyst-chan. :P

Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:39 am

It was weird...

Me and my friends were walking to my house after school (Don't know why, its a three hour walk from my school to my house...o.0) and we passed a basketball court (which doesn't exist in real life, but oh well). We went to play basketball and found a large hole in one corner. We all went down it and inside there was a large mine full of glowing red rocks and normal stones. There was a skeleton guarding the entrance and several young kids digging the red rocks out. We threw one of the red rocks at the skeleton and knocked it out, but in doing so, alerted the main guy in the middle of our presence. He pushed a button and all of the children glowed green and began hunting us with their pick-axes. Our group split up and I ran left where I fell into a large mined area (kinda like a quarry). In it was a large red circle and when I stepped on it, it absorbed me.


It was the weirdest dream I've ever had o.0

Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:48 pm

I dreamt there were big ants (5cm at least) crawling all over the edge of the ceiling above my bed. Initially I didn't realise it was a dream until I ended up checking later on to ensure that there were no ants in my room.

Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:43 pm

I don't remember much. The only thing I remember is someone from my drama class calling Maureen 'Ana,' but I don't know if Maureen was actually THERE, even though she was talking to her.

Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:53 pm

I was the little mermaid and then i fought some sharks together with some dolphins... er... yeah... nevermind ^_^;

Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:08 pm

I had 3 fairly odd, unrelated dreams. One involved being at the camp I went to as a kid, and trying to climb a tree to get someone's book. Why her book was up there, I don't know. But apparently she was afraid to climb back up.

The next one I was back in high school, and the QB of our (American) football team was horrifically ill, and I think I was trying to make him go see Dr. House... O_o;

The third dream I know was based on watching a strange movie last night. Something about funky storm clouds and my husband and I trying to get away from them.

I know there was more to each of them, but I didn't concentrate on them very much when I woke up, so they have long since slipped away from me.

Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:33 pm

I dreamed someone was taking my air conditioner vent off. Then I found out my dad was doing that to put screen on them, so Mickey Mouse (we have a SLIGHT mouse problem) don't get through my vents.

Aside from that, still having reoccuring dreams about Seto Kaiba and Ty Pennington.

Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:40 pm

Not sure, it had alot to do with protecting an ancient computer while I repaired it. People driving chicken walkers from Star Wars were after it =/
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