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Ear cartilage piercing - help!

Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:02 pm

My parents, in a fit of insanity, have apparently given me permission to have my upper ear cartilage pierced, under the conditions that I a) get it done after high school interviews and b) get no other piercings until I'm 21. However, there are a bunch of things I need to know: Where should I go to have it done? Does it hurt a lot? Is gun or needle peircing better? What are the risks of infection and what should I do to avoid it?

I'm hoping there's someone here who's had this done, because I really need advice. I haven't found much via Google. Thanks! :)

Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:12 am

I'm not a piercing expert or anything, but I do have my eyebrow and my helix pierced(which is the upper ear cartilage) Anyways, I found that a needle is so much better than a gun, especially for that area. I got my done at a tattoo and piercing place, I don't know where there are any in your area though, sorry. Honestly, it doesnt hurt at all though with the needle. You feel maybe a pinch for one second, but after that you don't even notice. There are always big risks of infections with all piercings, though if you are constanly cleaning it and taking care of it and not playing with if you should be okay. I got minor infections with both my piercings because I was always playing with them, but you couldn't really see them. You can probably get a speical soap at the piercing place though. My friend thinks that these are a waste of money because a normal soap is supposed to work just as well, I just feel better with the stuff with the special piercing label. I was told that mine would take about 6 weeks to heal, so just be careful that you don't get any hair spray and things like that on it. My friend actually sent me a good site for these types of things, but I got mine so long ago that I can't seem to find it. I did however find this sight which has pictures of all these types of piercings, and if you click on more info, there are links that show the risks and what not. The second link has to do with the care after your piercing and I thought it was pretty detailed so it might help.

Also, I really wouldn't go alone to get your piercing, I think that's a really bad idea over all. Anyways, if I missed something or there's something else you'd like to know feel free to ask.

Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:13 am

Hmm... I don't know about cartiledge, but when I got my second hole done, it hurt more than the first one. I heard that the further you go up on your ear, the more it hurts and the more change of it getting infected. DON'T get it at Clare's. I got my second hole done at Clare's, and the gun got stuck in my ear. It got half way through, and... well... then they couldn't get it out for about five minutes and that hurt like something I'm not going to say. :roll: OH and I would suggest if you get it done with a gun, don't get a complicated design, like a flower. Get little ball things. Well, that's opinion... you can take it if you want. =P

Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:46 am

Seeing as I ha've had it done 3 times, let me tell you what I found..

Needle, not gun. I got it done with the gun on both ears once. Both ears got horrible infected and turned out digusting and ended up covering over even though I left the ring in. Use the needle. When I used it the second time I got one repierced, it turned out fine. It doesn't hurt as much either.

As with any piercing, get it done somewhere sanitary, where they unwrap everything right infront of you. I had a nasty go where they said they took the needle out behind the counter, but I later found out that they had used it on someones ear and it was my bellybutton, resulting in me swearing up and down I was going to get AIDS for weeks. Don't make my mistake, go somewhere safe, clean, and somewhere where you feel comfortable. I can't tell you an exact place, since I don't know where you are.

Infection.. I've had so many piercings, all I can say is its hard to avoid them. Clean it regularly, properly. Don't skimp out on cleaning for any reason because that's the reason any of mine have ever gotten infected.

I would tell you about the pain, but I'm somewhat immune to it. I remember though, it didn't hurt a lot when I got it done professionally with a needle. I think it pinched for about 5 seconds, really really hard.

One more thing, not that I think you would... Don't do it yourself unless you've done another piercing yourself first. Its a tricky spot, the only reason I got away with it on my one ear was because I had done it so much.

Good luck!

Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:58 am

My boyfriend's had his ear cartilage pierced twice, so I quickly consulted him... and he said that a needle is probably best, "although it depends how high up it is". From what I've gathered, guns are quite violent but not neccessarily that strong, and only better for the softer area of your ear (and as others have said, the ear gets more solid the further up you go).

About infections... I don't wanna sound scary, but it seems like they're quite common for upper-ear piercings. Both my friend and bf have had infections after getting their ear pierced up there. My friend had a lump in her neck from, um, infected fluid draining down there... and my bf had to take his out, because a lump of cartilage was growing around the piercing. I don't think it was dangerous, but some are permanent and they look a little funny!

But those things don't happen to everyone, and if you're careful then they're not too serious (and upper-ear piercings look so awesome!), so good luck with it :)

Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:23 pm

I don't have any piercings myself, but I've read that you should never use the gun for your ear cartilage because it will get infected. :)

Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:47 pm

I'm no expert, but I do want to point out that you should absolutely not get it done with a gun, those should only be used for ear lobe piercings. I believe here it is even forbidden to use the piercing gun for anything else but the ear lobes.

Using a needle is much safer in all aspects. If you let the gun shoot through cartilage it can do a lot of damage in the cartilage surrounding the actual hole, in other words shatter the cartilage around the hole into pieces which gives a high risk for infections etc. The needle makes a "clean" hole and does not do any further damage, this of course if the piercer is a proffesional one. Don't just go into any place to get a piercing like that, make sure the people have some knowledge about what they are doing.

Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:47 pm

Thanks so much, guys! :) I'm going to do some more research on where to have the piercing done and such. Hopefully I'll have it done in a few months, and I'll post photos then. :evil:

Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:09 pm

Don't use the gun on ANY piercing, even ear lobe piercings. It's dangerous and way more painful.

Don't clean it with soap or too often. Three times a day with a saline solution will get rid of any nasties.

And take deep breaths when you get it done. It's odd but the pain will give you a huge adreneline rush once it's done. I'm addicted already, haha!

Good luck!

Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:38 pm

Twinkle wrote:Don't use the gun on ANY piercing, even ear lobe piercings. It's dangerous and way more painful.

Way more painful? O_o I didn't even feel the needle in the gun shoot through, out of all the four times they pierced my ear lobes. My friend got hers done with a needle (on the lobes) and the holes got heavily infected, while mine were completely fine. It's not as much about the gun or needle issue as it is about how good the piercer is, with keeping the gear clean, cleaning the lobes before the actual piercing etc.

Anyway, I still stick to the don't-use-gun-on-cartilage-never-ever thing :D

Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:47 pm

guns= teh bad, in general.

A good piecer with a needle > a good piercer with a gun. Guns are nasty too, as they put too much pressure on your flesh. >.<

Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:53 pm

Guns are bad, for starters; they can't be autoclaved and needles can, which generally lead to cross-contamination on the guns side. They are also more painful. Period.

Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:14 am

Paul wrote:They are also more painful. Period.

Have you tried? :roll: (oooh, Paul might have piercings *giggle*)

I still believe its highly individual, sure there are those who think it hurt really badly and that a needle piercing was much better. I myself can only say, yet again, that the gun piercing did not hurt at all for my part.

Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:18 am

Silja, did you read the article at all?

It's not about saying 'Don't use a gun because this and this WILL happen'. It's about saying 'Don't use a gun because this and this COULD happen and why take the risk?'

Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:30 am

Silja wrote:
Paul wrote:They are also more painful. Period.

Have you tried? :roll: (oooh, Paul might have piercings *giggle*)

I still believe its highly individual, sure there are those who think it hurt really badly and that a needle piercing was much better. I myself can only say, yet again, that the gun piercing did not hurt at all for my part.

Having a blunt object pushed through your skin is <i>obviously</i> going to hurt more than a sharp object. Everyone knows that. :D

And yes, I've had my ears pierced before, but not anymore. eh. I let them close up.
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