Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:49 pm
Not on the Misc Polls board because I want to discuss our costumes and how we're making em.
I'm being Erik, the Phantom of the Opera! Bookverse. Well, mostly bookverse... he's my own special mix of two bookverses, Lon Chaney, and playverse. Which basically means the second-most complicated thing one could come up with. e e
And it's not too early! I made sure it was September before I posted for all you procrastinators.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:59 pm
I think I'm going to be an irs agent, you know, with a dull suit and stuff. Either that or a dirty tile floor.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:05 pm
Well I'm being Michael Jackson and my friend is being Martha Stewart.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:23 pm
I'm being Scrooge, I don't celebrate it.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:29 pm
Well, if all goes well, just in time for Halloween my hair will have had a total transformation for the better. I'll probably do what I did last year, and just dress up in my fancy goth clothes.
Alternately, if I can, I may try to buy a couple of items to complete the ensamble for a sort of different angel costume. I already have most of the right stuff in my wardrobe, I'd just need the wings, and the proper socks (seriously).
Halloween is the time of year I wish I was still a kid. I wish I could go trick-or-treating and have lotsss of candy.
As it is now, even giving out candy has become useless. Hardly anyone trick-or-treaters come.
My mom's huge into decorating though. So we'll probably carve a couple of pumpkins, and maybe put up some other stuff. We used to have orange icicle lights, a Halloween welcome mat that said "Happy Halloween!" and cackled really loudly at you when you stepped on it. And a giant plastic illuminated ghost, pumpkin, and witch. Dunno what happened to most of that stuff when we moved.
It'd be nice to get some people together and do a Halloween party thing. We could watch horror movies, play games, eat candy, and then light candles and get out the Ouija board and Tarot cards. Hmm..
Also, one of the theaters here does a midnight horror movie on Halloween. If it's something good this year, maybe I'll go.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:37 pm
The last time I dressed up for Halloween was when I was 13 and went to a costume party. That was 11 years ago.
I was never much of a Halloween fan as a child. Something about begging strangers for candy really freaked me out, especially since my mother was too lazy to get out of the car, so I had to go up to the doors alone. I used to beg her to let me stay home, but nope, I had to go trick-or-treating.
Personally, I would love to dress up this year, but I really don't have a reason. The apartment complex where I live doesn't allow trick-or-treaters (grrrr!) and I'm as likely to be invited to a party as I am to magically wake up in Japan tomorrow. It's just not going to happen.
However, if I could dress up as anything, I'd likely pick some anime character, not really sure who though. Maybe Nemu or Rakka from Haibane Renmei. That wouldn't be too difficult at all, I wouldn't think.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:38 pm
A sullen teenager.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:42 pm
I'm not sure yet because there are usually Halloween deals up clubs which let you in cheaper if you dress up. Probably a fairy though.
A couple of years ago Kubby got on the bus free because he was dressed as a sheep. He said "One sheep to Wolverhampton please" and the bus driver was laughing so much he just let him on.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:43 pm
Zega wrote:Well I'm being Michael Jackson and my friend is being Martha Stewart.
I bursted out with laughter...not a good thing with a stuffed up nose.
If I can get everything in time, I may be Sadiyah.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:50 pm
MyleneFarmer wrote:I'm as likely to be invited to a party as I am to magically wake up in Japan tomorrow. It's just not going to happen.
You can come to my party =D
Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:27 pm
I'm stealing Kubby's idea. We do have a role of cotton wool that nobody ever uses.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:42 pm
Probably a freaky doll.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:58 pm
Sapphire Faerie wrote:MyleneFarmer wrote:I'm as likely to be invited to a party as I am to magically wake up in Japan tomorrow. It's just not going to happen.
You can come to my party =D
*rereads ghost thread* You moved, right? ^_-
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:51 pm
Igg wrote:A sullen teenager.
I was planning on dressing up as a dirty old man. We should probably avoid each other.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:29 pm
MyleneFarmer wrote:Sapphire Faerie wrote:MyleneFarmer wrote:I'm as likely to be invited to a party as I am to magically wake up in Japan tomorrow. It's just not going to happen.
You can come to my party =D
*rereads ghost thread* You moved, right? ^_-
Yes ma'am.
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