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Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:50 am
In high schools all over the country, there's a thing known as speech and debate. There are competitions on weekends at different high schools.
So, I was wondering if anyone here was involved in speech and debate at their high school.
I do the speech part of it, which is also known as oral interpretation. Basically, you find a humorous or dramatic piece, depending on the event, and try to do it as best as you can within the time limit. It's kinda hard to explain.
Anyways, I typically do HI (Humorous Interpretation) and Duet Acting. Sometimes I do Poetry, Prose, and DI (Dramatic Interpretation) too. I don't know what events are in states other than Texas, but I assume it's mainly the same.
So, yeah, if anyone does this stuff, post here. It would be cool to meet other interpers on PPT. And I don't really know how the debate stuff works.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:59 am
I did public debate last year, where you do it with a partner...and one impromptu, where you get the topic and have to talk for 5 minutes with no prep time. grace and I did pretty well at public, and I was awful at impromptu XD but I'm not sure if I'm going to do it again this year, because it's fairly time-consuming and I'm not sure if it's worth it to me. the thing is that it kills weekends, and weekends are when I spend the most time riding my horse, so. I dunno.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:55 am
I am in speech..... and quite good at it.... i think.
I was a storyteller for speech...... got first in district and went to state..... where i JUST missed placing with a trophy. .....
so i went to state... which was fun.
now im trying something new.... im naturally an actor, and im a class clown..... im going for the humurous!
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:24 am
I always wanted to do Speech and Debate, but it conflicted with my schedule, and with the exception of a few friends, most of the people in it were...well, not people I'd want to spend my extra-curricular time with. It's a shame, because it sounded really interesting.
I'm doing JSA instead though - it's sort of similar, except more geared toward political debate.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:25 am
Oooh I joined my debate team this year. I'm doing actual debate though, not forensics. I'm probably gonna do Student Council of Public Forum or whatever it's called, I'm not sure yet though.
Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:12 pm
We have speech and debate in Nebraska, but only speech at my school. Our events are Persuasive, Informative, and Extemporaneous Speaking, and Oral Interpretation of Drama, Humorous Prose, Serious Prose, and Poetry. And Duet Acting.
I do persuasive and extemp. When I do extemp I draw a current event topic, in the form of a question, and then I get 1/2 hour to an hour (depending on the meet) to prepare a 5 minute speech.
I love it. It's great. And most of my friends are in it to, so that helps. This is going to be a great year, since all the seniors in my events graduated and I'm the most likely #1 persuasive this year. Extemp needs more work.......
If anyone has an issue that would make a good persuasive speech, by all means, do tell.
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