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What is your ringtone?

Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:52 pm

For those of you with cell phones:

What is your ringtone set to, and why?

Mine is set as the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, and whenever I get a text message or voicemail, I have Edna (from The Incredibles) saying "Message for you, dahling." :P

PotC is my favorite movie of all time.

Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:55 pm

I have David User - Black black heart. :P

Mainly because I can't be bothered to change it to something else, and I can't really afford to, since I spend a truckload on text messages every month. My parents would hang me if I started ordering ringtones as well. :roll:

Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:02 pm

Some stupid ring that comes with the phone. I'v tried downloading to my cell, but it never worked.

Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:17 pm

I can't download ringtones on my ancient phone, so I have "Auld Lang Syne". (You know, that New Year's Eve Song.) And it's only because that's Sofie Fatale's ringtone in Kill Bill, and it sounds just like it. ;)

Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:22 pm

The Pingu theme tune. 'Cause Pingu rocks.

Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:02 pm

I have different ones set depending on who is calling, but default is Heffalumps and Woozles. :P

Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:11 pm

It's a Nokia tone called 'Jumping'. It is the least annoying of the default tones.

Actually, though, it's usually on silent.

Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:31 pm

Mine is a ring called In the Islands.

Makes me feel like I'm on vacation... XD

Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:46 pm

Crazy Frog. Not.

Its just on silent.

Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:06 pm

The Coca-Cola theme song... but when the guy I like calls it's the Scooby-Doo theme song because he reminds me of Fred.

Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:11 pm

It's some embarassingly lame classical piece that came with the phone. Nothing like "Hall of the Mountain King" as performed with cheap, midi-esque flair.

Usually, though, to keep from letting everyone know that my parents won't let me buy a cool ringtone even if it is only a dollar, it's on vibrate.

Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:35 pm

Right now, I have "Penny Lane". No one ever calls me, though. :P

Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:18 pm

At the moment, something called Digital Signal, but, as soon as my dad finds the software, Footloose by Kenny Loggins, Ohio by BFS, or Favorite Scar by The Vanished.

Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:22 pm

I haven't turned my cell phone on in months.

But the ring tone is set to something called "Busy Child".

Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:33 pm

No ringtone. It vibrates.

I don't use ringtones because they annoy myself and other people.
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