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The little things make the perfect day...

Fri May 06, 2005 7:16 pm

It's really true. All the little things can so easily make a perfect day. I don't know why, exactly, but I quite simply NEED to post about today. 'Twas marvelous.

The Little Things

1. I got to sleep in a bit
2. 20 minute periods in which nothing but fun happened.
3. 4 substitute teachers
4. Remembered to turn assignments in
5. Entered the Art Show
6. Officer Welcome Asssembly (another billion memories made)
7. During said assembly, 4 boys I know very well danced around in dresses.
8. I cried at the end of the assembly.
9. I got to laugh about it in the halls, feeling blessed to just have friends (a rarity for me)
10. MY favorite aunt and uncle are visitng from 1000 miles away
11. No homework
12. My favorite foods for dinner.
13. It's Friday!

It is a marvelous day.


Fri May 06, 2005 7:22 pm

I love it when good stuff happens. I hope that your day just keeps getting better! :)

Sat May 07, 2005 11:39 am

I love days like that, everything goes your way and nothing horrible happens.

Sat May 07, 2005 11:54 am

errrm, i destryed a personal daemon, then faced up to the consequences at some point in the last week- or so.
that made a good week i suppose. :)

Re: The little things make the perfect day...

Sun May 08, 2005 1:04 am

.:Requiem:. wrote:It's really true. All the little things can so easily make a perfect day. I don't know why, exactly, but I quite simply NEED to post about today. 'Twas marvelous.

The Little Things

1. I got to sleep in a bit
2. 20 minute periods in which nothing but fun happened.
3. 4 substitute teachers
4. Remembered to turn assignments in
5. Entered the Art Show
6. Officer Welcome Asssembly (another billion memories made)
7. During said assembly, 4 boys I know very well danced around in dresses.
8. I cried at the end of the assembly.
9. I got to laugh about it in the halls, feeling blessed to just have friends (a rarity for me)
10. MY favorite aunt and uncle are visitng from 1000 miles away
11. No homework
12. My favorite foods for dinner.
13. It's Friday!

It is a marvelous day.


Isn't it funny how the days that are so big and important in life, like birthdays and graduation and holidays, aren't nearly as fun as the days when everything seems to just go right--nothing big, great, and spectular happened, but everything just clicked into place. I love those kind of days.

Sun May 08, 2005 5:48 pm

I've never had a perfect day when everything clicked. my best days are normally defined by a few little things. a lot of things go wrong but the things that go right mean a lot more.
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