Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Mar 15, 2005 11:57 pm
Now before I begin, let me say something in advance. I am not here to cast aspirtions on any particular religion. This is not a post about which religion is better or which one is right. None of you know which one is right, so don't start claiming to.
If this proves to be a 'flammable' topic, I would ask that a Mod removes it, or locks it, or whatever. My intention isn't to upset, decry or in any way castigate, excommunicate or generally hack off anyone with strong beliefs.
Given the above statements to be true and acceptable, I hope it's ok to post it. I'm going to anyway, so I hope it doesn't get me into trouble as it is done with the best intentions. I'm not allowed into the debate board (not enough posts, I haven't been 'bad' or anything) as yet, so here it will surely have to go.
Imagine the following scenario;
An islamic fundamentalist, a seventh day adventist, a baptist, a jehova's witness, a roman catholic and a jew all arrive at the Pearly Gates of Heaven at the same time (perhaps they were all on a plane together. don't laugh, it could happen)
St Peter casts a squint in their general direction and says, "Mr Weinstein can come in. He's Jewish and therefore is granted the delights of an eternity of joy by God's right hand. If the rest of you will kindly take one step to the left, you will be gently prodded with pitchforks by Beelzebub here in the general direction of Purgatory, whilst the Lord of Darkness decides your fate, depending on your beliefs."
Now what I don't understand (and the reason for this rather long-winded, but nonetheless enjoyable post) is this. If God (whichever one you currently subscribe to, if at all) is all-forgiving, then simply believing in the wrong one is hardly worthy of an eternity stuck on a spike, or being tossed in the fiery bowels of nothingness forevermore. If you recant on your deathbed, then you should get in to heaven, no matter what you've done. (and that can include all manner of beastly things) Why then, does it matter to God what you believe in. It's all the same God at the end of the day, right?
Right I'm stopping there. I could go on, but I can see people at the back starting to nod off.
Please, someone enlighten me. Need we really argue over the right religion? Can't we just agree to believe?
Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:08 am
You really need to get in the debate group:) You can have some of my post
Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:11 am
Yup what he said... *gives you 20 posts*
I would post something meaningful on this topic, but I don't want to get modded on a topic as controversial as this, on the wrong board.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:26 am
If I'm not mistaken, topic's of this nature are not allowed on these forums, people can get way to hot and bothered about them.
A good peice of advice for you is, maybe wait a bit, get your posts in and post away in the debate board once your there lol
You aske a lot of interesting questions Ashes, but I think you just need to wait for the proper board to ask them in.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:28 am
Point duly noted. As I said, I'm happy to have it moved to debate, even if I can't see it yet.
I did my utmost to ensure that this wasn't a thread that was meant to upset anyone. Still, you would know better than me, so I'm happy to bow to someone with better knowledge of the place. Just hope I'm not too incendiary for PPT.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:41 am
Ashes, I would suggest that you do not post topics like this outside of the debate board. If you have not been approved for the debate board for whatever reason, it would be advisable to hold off until such occurs. I would like to advise other members to not post here and to be assured that the respective mods have been notified and will take care of things when they are around. Thank you for your patience.
Also, Ashes, if you are unsure if a topic would be alright to post, it's always better to ask first. That's what mods are for.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:43 am
ok, Jasujo, my apologies.
Those poor debaters aren't going to know what's hit them.
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