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Food Scares

Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:41 pm

Well, over here in the UK there is a big scare over some of the food we're eating. And not because it's fatty, but because some of the food may contain a dye called Sudan I. Now, some people may be asking "What's so wrong with this?" Well, Sudan I is a dye that, among its uses, is used in shoe polisher and it should NEVER go near foods. And to add to all of that, if you eat it there is a risk of you catching cancer. Joy. So, I was wondering, has there ever been any food scares where you live?

Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:52 pm

You can see the infected foods of Sudan 1 here:

Sudan is a red food dye that can cause cancer when consumed in large amounts. It came from India when the general crop of chilli peppers was looking a bit washed out, they added this food dye. The chillies then went to companies in UK who processed them into another product, such as chilli powder which then was shipped off to another company who added that in their products, then being sold to the general public.

Sudan 1 is generally found in processed foods, such as 'ready meals,' snacks such as walkers worcester sauce flavour, pot noodles and other items.

You can refer to the list above to see if you have any infected items.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:54 pm

you don't "catch" cancer, it's not transmittable.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:06 pm

Brian wrote:you don't "catch" cancer, it's not transmittable.

I think Stuart knows that. It was a bad choice of words.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:13 pm

xerai wrote:
Brian wrote:you don't "catch" cancer, it's not transmittable.

I think Stuart knows that. It was a bad choice of words.

Yea. I was in a hurry as I was typing my post while trying to make my dinner. And that's my non-contaminated pizza.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:42 pm

Mmm, big mad cow disease scare. My grown-up friend Pam won't eat beef and stuff... but she WILL eat pork, which is more dangerous because of a higher possiblility of ebola and all.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:10 pm

I think back when I was about six there was a small scale problem with spoiled dairy products in my town. Apparently some bozo didn't refrigerate the new products and they went bad, but I was little so I don't remember it that well.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:20 pm

Oh, yes, mad cow.

I can't donate blood in the US for or 7 years yet 'cause I was here when it was all going on, and it can take 10 years to show, apparently.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:26 pm

Cassi wrote:Oh, yes, mad cow.

I can't donate blood in the US for or 7 years yet 'cause I was here when it was all going on, and it can take 10 years to show, apparently.

Hm, really? I didn't know that...

Aye, mad cow for me, too. Made the prices of meat go up and everything... grr. :roll: Funny thing is, those cows looked dead to me, so unless their ghosts are going to haunt me, there is no possible way they could be mad.

(Yes, I am aware of what it is. Some spinal cord thing or something. o.o) :roll:

Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:27 pm

Twizzler0171 wrote:
Cassi wrote:Oh, yes, mad cow.

I can't donate blood in the US for or 7 years yet 'cause I was here when it was all going on, and it can take 10 years to show, apparently.

Hm, really? I didn't know that...

Neither did I, until I heard my mum telling someone about it.

Hmm. Dunno if it still applies, now that there's been mad cow in the US... ::shrugs::

Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:03 pm

Eo wrote:Mmm, big mad cow disease scare. My grown-up friend Pam won't eat beef and stuff... but she WILL eat pork, which is more dangerous because of a higher possiblility of ebola and all.

Definetely Mad Cow. We've had like 3 scares in 2 years in the US. Kinda spooky.

(Ebola is pretty bad. I read a book on it.)

(The above is random)

I remeber a year or two ago in Ohio there has a huge thing about E. Coli and I think 3 people died from it.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:47 pm

Yeah, Mad Cow's the only major one that comes to my mind right now. At my school, someone discovered the bagels were moldy and they were avoided for a long time, which was the only food mishap my school has had during the time I've been there.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:10 pm

Well, once my school served milk that was past the expiration date...made a whole bunch of people sick...

That's really the only thing I can think of o_O

Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:23 pm

I know that on a bunch of cruiselines (Disney namely), hundreds of people have gotten stomach viruses at a time from eating some food from the ship =/

And, a few weeks ago a ton of food was recalled in my area because it was found to have glass in it. The brands were household brands too, such as Tonito's pizza. =|

Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:26 pm

My beloved Worcester Sauce Crisps! :cry: *wails*

This has got to be one of the worst food scares I've ever seen, save MCD.
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