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Do you believe you have strange powers?

Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:29 pm

i dont think this is really common or rare or whatever cause ive never asked anybody cause ill sound stupid. in my head i have always heard a pinging sound.if i listen to it and really concentrate on it i can hyear wind in my ears but i cant feel it. when something electrical is on the sound is louder and more high pitch. does everyone have this?

Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:18 pm

uhmmm.....kinsa....for me its when something electrical like a tv or something gets turned on, i hear this high pitched ring and it gives me a short migrane

Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:30 pm

Erm, sorta, but not like that. I have EXTREME good luck to the point beyond coincidence. Also, I have dreams about places I've never seen, and then I find out they're real. Like last summer, I dreamed that I was in this hallway in my new school (never seen it before) and I was afraid of it. When I got to school, I found out that the hallway actually existed and was exactly the same as the one in my dream.

Why was I afraid, you ask? It was the hallway leading to the GYM! :evil:

Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:36 pm

I can change my skin tone to blue if i hold my breath for a VERY long time. Does that count? :lol:

Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:45 pm

Full Metal Alchemist wrote:I can change my skin tone to blue if i hold my breath for a VERY long time. Does that count? :lol:

Erm, don't do that too often :P .

I've had prophetic visions two or three times. Once I was on the way to school and an image popped into my head of one of my friends eating bread and butter at lunch. When I got to school I check the menu for that day and saw that we weren't having bread and butter for lunch, so I forgot about it. But when I got to lunch I looked over and there was my friend eating bread and butter, the first person I saw eating it. I celebrated my correct vision with some bread and butter.

I also was in my room, pretending to be asleep (don't ask) when my mom came in. She stood over me for a while, (I could hear her) then suddenly I sort of had this countdown in my mind where I thought "3... 2... 1..." and then I heard her leave. I don't have these visions too often, but it's cool when they come.

Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:59 pm

Sometimes I can predict music videos that'll come onto Launch! yahoo or a music's odd. Like sometimes a song will pop into my head and the music video'll come on.

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:01 pm

one up mushroom. thats what i have.if everything is silent can you hear the quiet ringing?

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:03 pm

I dream about events that happen quite often, and scarily enough, i can communicate telepathically with animals. My cat is the easiest, but all cats, dogs, and horses are pretty easy for me. I also have very good hearing, and can hear things being turned on, such as a tv, across the school i go to.

Yea, now yall think I'm crazy, but its true!

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:07 pm

No. I don't.

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:10 pm

Not really, and I don't believe in people having any special (magic, telepathic, whatever) powers either. Some just have better hearing than others (you know, the natural things which make us into different individuals) and some have quite a lot of that thing the call imagination, which makes them believe they have a sixth sense (etc.) even though they don't :P

Aren't I the positive one? :D

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:15 pm

Sometimes. Every once in a while I have psychic dreams... The only one I remember is I had a dream where my friend rented Kirby 64, and when I go to her house, she tells me that she did rent Kirby 64! (>^_^)>

And sometimes when I think of a PPT member, they sign on within like two days of the thinking. I was thinking of Niten once (who hadn't signed on for months), and when I scroll down to read the online list, I see Niten Hitroru signed on. Same thing happened with Tonu and that Link/Cheese Pants dude (except he only came on to post he was leaving T.T).

I'd be awesome if I can summon people to PPT... :evil:

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:27 pm

Sometimes a random word pops into my brain, and then someone says something related to the word. Like for instance:

Me: What's your favorite food?
My brain: Cheese
Person: Cheese.

Also, sometimes I think exactly what other people are about to say.

Once I predicted someone's name when I had never seen them before.

And finally, sometimes I'm thinking of a certain song or a certain episode of a certain show, and then the song or the episode of the show comes on.

I'm hoping to learn how to control these powers.

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:32 pm

Oh, Zeeerooo! I'm looking for a Role Playing friend of mine by the name of Draconis... I don't think she resigned up, but shes still a PPT Member... :battar: Heh.

It's really weird... one time I was walking across the playground, and my eyes were closed (I didn't have to worry much about hitting any kids because it was after school hours). Suddenly, there was an image of the swingset in my mind... I opened my eyes up, and was a few feet in front of the swings, a couple more steps and I would have knocked into it. Of course, I know that Playground so well, and the sun was shining so that it would cause a shadow towards me, so it might have been the mixture of the two.

I can do the radio thing, too... its really weird. It's like, 'Woah! That's way weird... I was just thinking of how that song would come on...'

Meh. If I have anything else, than I don't know about it. Probably nothing out of the ordinary... My brother has super-sensitive hearing though... and he yells at us for chewing with our mouths open when we know for a fact they are closed... he might have a hole or something in his eardrum though.

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:39 pm

i do the tv thing quite alot. i can also wake up from my dreams whenever i want

Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:43 pm

nothing major but I can pick up vibrations from quartz crystals (actually a lot of people can) it's used for channeling if your into that type thing, which I'm not. smokey quartz has the stronges vibration that I've held so far.
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