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ppt party

Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:27 am

Hello and welcome to the ppt party. I shall be your host for the evening.

Well, you can post like this *sits down* or Twitchy sat down......Your choice.

Their shall be competitions and fun games and not to forget SOCIALISING!( think that is the word...)

Game number .1 Bang your head aginst the keyboard and see what it says.:D

ty bhujnh bnjum[pbhy f....Okay that was more

Their shall be the role play bit and the games and competitions bit. Please make then seperate.
All normal forum rules apply.

twitchy walked in and stood next to the buffet table, every so often takeing a handful of crisps. Waiting for people to arrive.

Fri Sep 03, 2004 1:39 pm

Tymaporer walked in the door. "Hey Twitchy, got a DDR machine we could borrow? I'm having a party too you know." She walked over to table 2 and took a big bite out of it.

Fri Sep 03, 2004 1:48 pm

1. bn gbt vr6 nhrr5vespaneopetskjjuhhygtgftvr <--- Lol, that's funny, my computer remembered Neopets.

Fri Sep 03, 2004 2:23 pm

Max walked in, and suddenly, he took out these gigantic speakers, and put music on. New Order - Confusion... Hurray!

"And the next one who complains... Erm, I shall turn into an...erm...I'll turn the next one who complains into a rabbit! Into a rabbit with sharp, pointy teeth! I want to even do that?" Max shouted, looking at the others inside.

Fri Sep 03, 2004 5:16 pm

Ellie looked around and laughed. "No max, you won't want to be doing that!lol" she said.

Ellllie went up to the table and said2oh, not again, thats another thing I am going to have to get malfoy to fix".

Draco malfoys then walks into the room and useing his wand mends the table.

And for any girls who are reading this. Draco is mine! ;) :P

Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:23 pm

I'm not interested in Draco. :P Not the Harry Potter fan.

*takes a seat in the beanbag and sits on someone* Heh, sorry!

Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:23 pm

Jill stood at the DJ table. 'My dream is to DJ a party.' She thought. She then grabbed Draco's wand and turned Max into a paper towel. "Draco! Your wand is defective!" Steps up to microphone. "Ladys and gental men I am your DJ for this party this evening. But your host is breathing down my neck not to mess it up. Hay." Plays music.

dfjhjgbfvcgjhnjhghfgbghugfgjhmfgbgjhm <--- Mah

Fri Sep 03, 2004 8:04 pm

"wahooo!" shouts ellie smileing broadly. Snatching back draco malfoys wand and putting on a purple mini dress and black boots.(real clothes belonging to mwa.:D)

Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:55 pm


Banging heads against keyboards rock. ^^

Anubis walks into the room, and grabs the speakers. "Urgh, Malfoy!" She bats him away, and then looks at Twitchy. "You really said 'lol', didn't you?" she asks smoothly, with one eyebrow raised, a slight smile forming on her lips. "All right then... uhm... ahem... 'lol'. That was incredibly unfun." She continues to play the music.

Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:17 pm

Jellyoflight walks into the glass door.


Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:35 pm

"Ouch. That had to hurt."


Well, that's what I got. XD
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