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I'd like to do something nice for you PPTers for Christmas..

Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:58 pm

I hope this is in the right board...

So, I had an idea. Starting today and going through Christmas if you send me some milk and cookies I'll give you a random toy in my SDB. It can be any type of milk (preferably just normal milk) or cookie. On the 26th, I'll return all the milk and cookies to their original owners so nobody feels jipped if they get a toy they didn't want. So, you need to send me (ectobob) milk and cookies and tell me your PPT name to get a free toy!

Merry Christmas! 0:)
Last edited by Ectobob on Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:00 pm

What's ther piont?

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:05 pm

To celebrate the holidays, silly!

You know how you usually leave Santa some milk and cookies? Yeah, that's where I got the idea.

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:07 pm

cool :)
Are you Ectobob on Neopets?

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:09 pm


I think I'll add that to my first post.

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:10 pm

Cute idea! I'll do it ^^
Last edited by .:Requiem:. on Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:13 pm

Good idea for the season, i'll do it.

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:22 pm

Hehe fun. I'm in. ^_^

Edit: Wait, milk AND cookies or milk OR cookies? o.o BTW you can keep my milk/cookie, go ahead and treat your pet for xmas :P

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:44 pm

You can keep my milk and cookies too :)
Thanks a bunch ;)

Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:48 pm

Oh, well thanks.

Also, since all three of you sent me milk and cookies at once I got a little confused. In future, can everyone else please tell me what they sent if they want their milk and cookies back?

:) Thanks.

Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:11 pm

Ectobob wrote:Oh, well thanks.

Also, since all three of you sent me milk and cookies at once I got a little confused. In future, can everyone else please tell me what they sent if they want their milk and cookies back?

:) Thanks.

KauKau farm milk and a cream covered acara cookie from me. ;)

Username there is same as here. :D

Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:20 pm

I sent the classic. Milk and chocolate chip cookie.

Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:25 pm

My user name is troygirl845.

I sent you the kau kau farm milk and the Kreludan Wiggle Cookie.

Merry Holidays!

Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:26 pm

KauKau Farm Milk and Tree Shaped Cookies. My username is amdir_mallorn.

And as Zega said... Merry Holidays!

Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:30 pm

My screenname on NP is soup_farie240 and I am going to send you pumpkin cookies and kau kau farm milk.
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