For those topics one could describe as the forum equivalent of a twinkie. Word games, forum contests and giveaways are all the rage here.
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Fri Aug 20, 2004 5:05 pm


Art is a beautiful thing
All it requires is an imagination
It can be beautiful
It can be ugly
But it is all art
Art can be made with anything
Clay, Paint, Macaroni shells
But a must is your imagination
Art is a beautiful thing

Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:32 pm

Okay, I guess I'll just post it here now -- I just didn't feel comfortable at first, but I suppose I'm more comfortable now that others have posted.


He stands there drinking,
Drinking from the same water hole
Day after day.
His black and white stripes glimmer in the sun,
As does the clear blue water.

She sits there patiently,
Licking her lips,
Waiting for the moment,
The moment to strike.
Her paws scratch the dirt hungrily,
Her tail sweeping with anxious strokes.

He lifts his head from the water.
He’s had enough.
Slowly, he trots away,
Making his way towards home.
But he never gets there.

In one moment, she pounces,
Her sharp teeth impaling his velvety skin.
His neck bones shatter as her paws crush his frail body,
Breaking every part of him
As he falls down.
And the once clear blue water hole

Becomes red.

Sat Aug 21, 2004 3:49 pm


I put it in an image so nobody can just copy'n'paste :D

Sat Aug 21, 2004 5:51 pm

No More Entries Are Accepted


Johnnydontgo wrote:Redesigning Man.
With abstract visions of mercy,
the redesignation of natural precision
as only God knows how.
Whispers and curves holding
impact like the first boom
of a hurricane
that makes you stop to savour the
innocence of a beginning
the profoundness of a dark ocean
seething with mouthfulls of rythym
and harmony.
Saturating ourselves with awe and anguish,
our home away from, well. You know.
No angles, no points of reference
could define the subtle texture
of a pleasant conversation.
After all is said that can be expressed,
we languish only in vision until
that itself dissolves,
life ebbing with the come of
next morn's tide.

*Chellie wrote:Looking For a Friend
All I'm doing
is looking for a friend
to share my secrets with
to be there till the end

To give me a hug
to brush away the tears
and to bring light
to those dark places filled with fear

To laugh and to cry with
someone to walk beside
to share my hobbies
and to trust and confide in

All I'm doing
is looking for a friend
may I ask,
Will you be my friend?

Fizzy wrote:Concerning Poetry Writing

The images I see flickering before me,
Ephemeral like a lily,
Colorful and noisy, disturb my thoughts.
A poem I must write, in a form called
Free verse. This noise distracts me;
How can I write if "Monster's, Inc." I hear?
Withdrawing to a quiet place, I ponder my task.
My forte is music;
Poetry rings no bells in my heart,
Yet I must write, or risk a boardroom!
With difficulty, pen goes to paper, and words appear.
Slowly at first, but inspiration strikes!
When finished, my poem I review:
Does it flow,
Does it use proper grammar,
Does it mean something to me?
Sighing, the paper I crumple in my hand,
Starting over means defeat!
But bravely I continue, until finally I smile,
For lying before me, is the poem before you!

Dobbitron wrote:New day, New Beginning

The last shining star, a bright light
Blinds of confinement spread apart
A sharp pain interrupting my sight

A toss and a turn
A yawn and a stretch
Rising for the stars
Everything is now clear

A new beginning
A clean start
A blinding tree
Shadows my light

A close of a blind
I change into something new
A metamorphosis
Is what I have become

hellyer wrote:Soccer Penalty

As I fall to the ground
The referee blows his whistle
And everyone looks around.
What is the decision?
That is the question on everyone’s mind.
As the referee points to the spot
All eyes turn to me.

A cold rush of nervousness
Makes its way through my body.
I am pumped and I am ready
To take the responsibility
It is my job to score and that is what I'll do,
As I line up the ball
And focus on the goal.

For this moment alone, nothing else matters.
Left, right? Top, bottom? What will it be?
As I make my decision I step up to the spot.
Suddenly I panic, I almost lose my nerve
But I manage to play it cool.
As the ball swishes against the net,
I turn to celebrate with my team.

Mark wrote:It's a new version of the Sorting Hat's song from the Harry Potter books.

Sit down so I can tell you
A story old as time
About four brillant wizards
Who never passed their prime

First we have Old Gryffindor
Who's courage he wore proud
'To educate young wizards!'
Was the goal, he said aloud.

Next was Humble Hufflepuff
Her loyalty shone through
'To make them better students!'
Is what her house would do.

Thirdly, Wise Old Ravenclaw
Of fair Eagle's descent
'Only the smartest can reside here!'
Is truely what he meant

Last is cunning Slytherin
Who knew well who to choose
'Only pick the worthy!
Or wizards sure shall lose!'

Together they worked greatly
To build this school, you see
Until one fateful day
When four dropped down to three

Old Salazar, he departed
Leaving the others in the dust
But never did they step down
The school lives on, it must

A legend has been told here
Of Salazar's old plan
To rid the race of mudbloods
And bring back his old clan

But never fear young students!
This tale is just a myth
So go about your duties
There's no need for a riff

So put me on your heads, you see
And I'll tell you where you're at
I'm bound to tell you where to go
For I'm Hogwarts Sorting Hat!

Claymore wrote:Art

Art is a beautiful thing
All it requires is an imagination
It can be beautiful
It can be ugly
But it is all art
Art can be made with anything
Clay, Paint, Macaroni shells
But a must is your imagination
Art is a beautiful thing

simsman24000 wrote:THE PREDATOR

He stands there drinking,
Drinking from the same water hole
Day after day.
His black and white stripes glimmer in the sun,
As does the clear blue water.

She sits there patiently,
Licking her lips,
Waiting for the moment,
The moment to strike.
Her paws scratch the dirt hungrily,
Her tail sweeping with anxious strokes.

He lifts his head from the water.
He’s had enough.
Slowly, he trots away,
Making his way towards home.
But he never gets there.

In one moment, she pounces,
Her sharp teeth impaling his velvety skin.
His neck bones shatter as her paws crush his frail body,
Breaking every part of him
As he falls down.
And the once clear blue water hole

Becomes red.

Shadowfare wrote:Image

Judges please PM me two contestants which you think should be fired.

If you PMed your poem to me and did NOT post it here, that means I will be grading your poem.

Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:35 pm

I made it! :D

Sorry to Claymore, and *Chellie. Your poems were good also :(

Sun Aug 22, 2004 7:00 pm

Well done to everyone who got through, I didn't think I would.
And I'm sorry *Chellie and Claymore, both of you're poems were great.

Sun Aug 22, 2004 7:05 pm

Yeah, I had my doubts I would get through this round... congrats to everyone else who made it!

Sun Aug 22, 2004 7:58 pm

Task 4 is now up. Please post any questions you might have :)

Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:06 pm


What if we post the username of a shop we bought something in, and the item sells? How will you know someone atcually bought it for X Amount of NP?

And couldn't people just edit their posts to change their numbers if they found an item for cheaper than what they origionally posted? o_O

Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:30 pm

Whats the difference between a family room and a living room?

Sun Aug 22, 2004 10:35 pm

Mark wrote:Confused!

What if we post the username of a shop we bought something in, and the item sells? How will you know someone atcually bought it for X Amount of NP?

I'll neomail the owner and if it's under 1000nps (As anything less does not show up in Shop History), I will take your word for it. Risky, yes. But I trust you.

Mark wrote:And couldn't people just edit their posts to change their numbers if they found an item for cheaper than what they origionally posted? o_O

Yes they can. They can do this until I post all the entries in one post than they may NOT edit their post regardless of a cheaper item found.

Shadowfare wrote:Whats the difference between a family room and a living room?

Nothing really, adds more to the house :)

Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:11 pm

Arg. I really think I'm going to need to quit this. This will be the second challenge in a row I cannot participate in (I have Norton firewall, therefore I cannot use the shop wizard) and it just isn't fair to the other contestants if I don't have to do anything. So I guess I'm just gonna have to quit to be fair to everyone else- I feel like I'm being completely unfair by saying I can't do more than one challenge in a row. So... yeah.

EDIT: Oops. Double posted somehow. Could a mod delete my other post?
Last edited by Bangel on Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:14 pm

Arg. I really think I'm going to need to quit this. This will be the second challenge in a row I cannot participate in (I have Norton firewall, therefore I cannot use the shop wizard) and it just isn't fair to the other contestants if I don't have to do anything. So I guess I'm just gonna have to quit to be fair to everyone else- I feel like I'm being completely unfair by saying I can't do more than one challenge in a row. So... yeah.

Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:15 pm

Dawn2 wrote:Arg. I really think I'm going to need to quit this. This will be the second challenge in a row I cannot participate in (I have Norton firewall, therefore I cannot use the shop wizard) and it just isn't fair to the other contestants if I don't have to do anything. So I guess I'm just gonna have to quit to be fair to everyone else- I feel like I'm being completely unfair by saying I can't do more than one challenge in a row. So... yeah.

I'm sorry to hear that Dawn. But I could setup another Task for you, if you want :)

Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:28 pm

Could you? That would be awesome of you Ammer. :)
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