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Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:46 pm

xD I like to play mind games. I do that in The Mole (Pink PT), too. :P

Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:50 pm

I was looking through the threads, trying to figure out who to vote for, but since I couldn't really decide, I decided that I would check back later after I studied for a test and vote with the majority.
So then I studied.
And then I lay down for a few minutes.
And when I woke up it was 3:00 AM.

And as I've said, I'm not a WW. I'm still trying to figure my suspicions on who is, however.


EDIT: I think I have an idea about why there was no mauling. It's probably because there was no list submitted, which might be because Lass didn't submit one because she was clearly going to be executed, and the other werewolf thought Lass was going to do it?
*crawls back into hiding*

Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:04 pm

i dont know why people are hesitant to vote when i put good evidence right under their noses...

But i guess no one fully trusts me...

Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:09 am

I don't know if I'll be able to get online later on so since Starchaser did not vote last round and there was no list sent in...

Vote: Starchaser

Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:14 am

Starchaser- 2 vote: o_0, AutumnElf
AutumnElf- 1 vote: warxelo

3 votes logged
2 votes majority


Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:16 am

Well, considering I'm innocent, I'd rather not be voted off tonight.
So, let's make it a tie:

Vote: AutumnElf

Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:27 am

Unvote: Starchaser
Vote: AutumnElf

Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:37 am

This is really suspicious...

First off, there could have been no mauling because starchaser was the werewolf, OR because the werewolf was trying to frame her... the werewolves have been doing this a lot to people this game.

Next, Dracolord seems suspicious to me. He submitted his vote (and not just because it was for me) and then vanished. This could be because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself?

And then there's AutumnElf. While the evidence against her is appealing, it could be another set up.

I really just don't know which way to go, but I need to break the tie. So...

Vote: AutumnElf

It seems like the evidence against you sticks out the most. I really hope I'm making the right choice here...

Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:45 am

Starchaser- 1 vote: AutumnElf
AutumnElf- 4 vote: warxelo, Starchaser, o_0, White_Wolf

5 votes logged
3 votes majority


Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:55 am

Well, looks like I'm going to get excuted tonight, so goodluck to the rest of you.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:01 am

ScottNak walks back in, however people notice that he is in different clothing, and has a suitcase packed next to him.

"Well, this island is always full of surprises... you never know what can happen here. Let me make this last execution for you guys real quick..."

Votes wrote:Starchaser- 1 vote: AutumnElf
AutumnElf- 4 vote: warxelo, Starchaser, o_0, White_Wolf

5 votes logged
3 votes majority

ScottNak shoots a bullet into Autumn's heart and she falls over dead. Motionless.

"Well, I'm going to be leaving now. Don't worry guys... All will be over in 30 minutes..."

Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:30 am

The Townspeople are confused, why would ScottNak leave them when the situation on the island was at its most tense time?

Just then, a large sounding of a ship's horn can be heard. Everyone rushes to the shore, to see an enormous luxury boat approach shore.

On the deck, ScottNak can be seen. He yells out, "HEYYY! What are you guys just sitting there for? Someone grab AutumnElf's body and bring her here."

warxelo goes back to retrieve autumnelf's body but instead encounters a very different looking body. Fur and claws. AutumnElf was the last werewolf. Warxelo comes rushes back out to the shore with Autumn's body... "We won!!! We Won!!!"

ScottNak smiles and yells, "Thats right. You guys won. The wolves are no more. The mafia are no more. The innocents are the winners." ScottNak puts down the platform from the boat.

"Come on board guys, you deserve a nice vacation."

Everyone boards onto the boat, relieved and exhausted. ScottNak takes Autumn's body and leaves. After the survivors take a minute to remember those who died, ScottNak reenters with the 20 others behind him.

"That was one heavy suitcase that I had to bring on board. Whew! And yes, those who were evil back on the island are back to there normal selves, so you won't have to worry about them any more."

ScottNak leaves the group of castaways and goes back up to the Captain's wheel and speaks into the PA system... "Next stop... Neopia..."

Game 2 has ended.
Thank you for playing! Discussion can continue in the Commentary thread.
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