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Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:44 pm

Is there any way you can post the whole scenario, because I'm trying to figure out how you can get "The Mole is among you" out of "Where is the Mole?"

Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:44 pm

Okay, first off I apologize to team two, I waited too long and didn't explain clearly, and I should have changed the challenge instead of trying something so increadibly hard. And secondly, congrats to team one! You guys moved increadibly fast, I had no idea you'd solve it so quickly. :)

I didn't intend for everything to be quite so difficult, I promise the next challenge will be straightforward and fairly easy. In any case, you guys did brilliantly, you figured out what the fake bio icon looked like and won 4k. The pot now stands at 39k.

I'm actually not that thrilled with how I'm doing at this, these things are coming out waaaaay more convaluted than I originally planned. But I can tell I have a lot of really good players here. I'll post a longer synopsis of the challenge later on for everyone. :)

Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:27 pm

Let's see... I was kind of confused of what to say to Team 1 in the challenge, and then they guessed the answer before I had a chance to respond. I was way too slow. BUT we got money, and I'm happy. I learned a little something while we played also... hehehehe...

I'm also keeping a text file with all of my suspicions and stuff in (like the journal) so that we can kind of go through what everyone thought at the end, like in the show. :)
Last edited by Kugetsu on Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:27 pm

another challenge....

I keep changing who I think the mole is too.

We had to guess the person we needed to neomail... o_O got the answer insanely fast.

The phrase we got was "elsewhere who I am not"

After I confirmed it was a question we got to work. I got lucky by figuring the word "mole" had to be in it. And since it was a question it had to begin with "where" "who" "is" "what" "when" or is. ANd since it was only 5 words long I ruled out when and is for the first word

I got lucky and came to the conclusion it was "where is the mole" I came to it too fast, team 2 was supposed to get us to say something else but they were too slow. If I were on team 2 I would have sent someone to the chat rooms to tell us not to say anything. and then came in to figure it out.

No such luck.

Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:46 pm

If you check the last page or so, you'd see that none of us had any idea what was going until it was too late, but of course, since we now know what was going on, it shouldn't really cause much confusion. Even in my last post I had no idea what we were doing, until it was too late (hence why I had no idea what to say.)

Blame leads to anger, and anger will lead to low team morale, which is something that we really can't gamble with. Let's just take the loss, and live with it. I mean, what's a measly 5k? We did get most of it back. So its not that bad. Heck for all we know the Mole could had been trying to cause confusion while we were trying to make heads and tails of everything. Maybe the Mole is trying to get us to turn on each other... but Amarise did say it was an honest mistake...

Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:40 pm

Yes, it truely was an honest mistake. People on team two weren't even clear on what they were allowed to say. Like I said, I waited too long to tell team 2 what they needed to do, and because of that it didn't work out very well.


Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:20 am

Wow..that challenge sounds really confusing fromwhere I'm 'standing'

Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:42 am

Oh yeah, I had one question that I forgot to mention earlier: Should we cut all ties to other players if we are executed? I mean only with game info of course. When someone is out, they could tell someone else if they went all out after a specific person, which could eliminate possible suspects. It could possibly make the game unbalanced, but at the asme time, could work to certain player's advantages

Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:59 am

Very confusing. My mom said that we were going to see the early viewing of "Without a Paddle" but she decided no. So I was lucky I just got one when it started. I was confused and I am still. Right when we figured out half of it mom was like "Get offline. You can do that tommorow." 'Mom it's live chat!!!' "I don't care. Get offline." Grr. So I missed the clues on who is the mole. I'm clueless now.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:15 pm

Dang it... The problem's not with Yahoo, the problem's with Trillian. Someone set up an account for me, and Trillian still won't log into it. I'm going to try and download the program straight from the source. Apologies all around, I've been really bad in this game...

Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:19 pm

Experiment wrote:Dang it... The problem's not with Yahoo, the problem's with Trillian. Someone set up an account for me, and Trillian still won't log into it. I'm going to try and download the program straight from the source. Apologies all around, I've been really bad in this game...

Download? You don't have to download anything. What are you talking about?

Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:31 pm

So sorry, Noelle, but you're probably not any more confused than anyone else here. I want to apologize again, since it's been my fault that these challenges have been turning out the way they have, they worked fine when I ran them by a few people, but I can never explain them properly. And yes, you cannot talk about the game with executed members, as they are technically supposed to be completely removed from the game.

Anyway, onto the challenge.

There were eventually 8 people who managed to make it. 1lewsgal, Kugetsu, and o_0 were present before the game began. Just as it started, cap and Ammer showed up, and rachel, Johnnydontgo and Noelle showed up just after the challenge began. I explained the challenge: basically, they had to split up into two teams, one team that was smart and one team that was trustworthy. The smart team, team one, had to stay on the Yahoo chat and not go to PPT, and the trustworthy team, team two, had to go here on the Mole board and not go on the chat. After team 2 left, I explained to team one that they needed to find a phrase, and in order to find that phrase they had to find a person on neo and neomail them for the phrase. I gave them the scrambled version of the player's username, and told them they had 30 minutes to complete the challenge. The scrambled name was tepesamathce, which comes out to thespaceteam when unscrambled. Within about a minute, o_0 had figured out that the name was thespaceteam. The players had a difficult time finding the thumbprint image that indicated that this was the right person, but eventually cap found it in their shop and neomailed them for the phrase. (for a clearer idea, check out thespaceteam's shop) Anyway, once they had recieved the scrambled phrase, which was Elsewhere who Im not, team one set to work. I had told them that the phrase was not word for word, and that they had to unscramble the entire phrase. Within about three minutes cap had solved the phrase, which was Where is the Mole now?, and earned 5k for the group pot.

Team two's part of the challenge was trickier, and in retrospect I should have explained the challenge right from the start, rather than waiting until team one had gotten the scrambled phrase from thespaceteam. This is what was supposed to happen. I would tell team two that team one was supposed to get a phrase from a user on neo. However, that user was actually working with the Mole, and the scrambled phrase they had given team one was actually the wrong phrase, and would only result in 5k if solved. The correct phrase was, 'The Mole is among you'. Team two had to go on the chat, and explain to team one that they had the wrong phrase, and get them to say the correct phrase The Mole is among you. If they could say the right one instead, the team would end up winning 10k for the group pot. However, my instructions to team 2 were very unclear (read pages 15-16 to see what I said) and unfortunately cap was so increadibly smart that he solved it while I was still clarifying team two's instructions. The game was supposed to be a trust issue, but I waited too long to explain to team 2.

Anyway, because I knew there was a possibility that the challenge would not work out the way I intended, I had a second part planned. Basically, it was a memory challenge. I asked the players to describe the icon I had used as a picture example in the fake bio. Quite a few of the players had to leave, but the ones who stayed attempted to remember the picture. After about half an hour and charging 1k for a clue that lead to the picture I used, Kugetsu was finally able to describe the picture in enough detail to win that part of the challenge. From that challenge they earned 4k, and added to the first part of the challenge the group earned 9k total yesterday, bringing the pot up to 39k. I'll probably have the next challenge on thursday or friday, (which, I promise, will be straightforward and relatively easy) and a quiz up tomorrow.

Oh yes, and the teams for yesterday:
Team 1
cap, Ammer, o_0, Noelle

Team 2
r4che1, 1lewysgal, Kugetsu, Johnnydontgo.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:04 pm

just so you know now, i will be away for the weekend, as i'm going to a wedding, and obviously won't have the internet. i'm leaving thusday day (for me) and arriving back monday day (for me), so won't be able to take part in the next challenge.

Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:11 pm

No prob, r4che1. Have fun at the wedding. ;)

Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:10 pm

:P What *was* the picture of? I missed it.
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