For those topics one could describe as the forum equivalent of a twinkie. Word games, forum contests and giveaways are all the rage here.
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Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:25 pm

hey guys, sorry i can't do this challenge, as i have stuff on every nite this week (freshers baby!!!), i'd really like to know what the challenge is, so make sure you all write on here about it.


Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:07 pm

Okay, where is everyone? We are supposed to be doing a challenge about now! :D

Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:54 pm

My computer was on the urge of defunctness during this challenge and it took me 25 minutes to get into chat before I got one message posted and then locked up again. Looks like the game ran smoothly without me though. Great job!
From the look of it, it seemed to have something with items and descriptions or riddles. I did have a few things stuck on my screen for 10 minutes :lol:

Anyway, my mom is planning on having our computer completely reformatted and started from scratch this weekend, hopefully that will help. Once again, good job team! ^-^

That's my post for this challenge. :P

Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:27 am

It sure went faster than I thought it would! I figured it would take the whole hour to figure out which items were the answers but noooooo! :o

Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:05 am

easy peasy game. Kugetsu wasn't able to particpate and o_O got all of them before I could. 10k in the pot! booya!

Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:39 pm

Not true, cap. You got number 7 right before o_0 did. (I keep track of all these games. ;) )

Well, it was a fairly straightforward challenge. The players would be given the item descriptions of ten items, and they would have to tell me which item it was. I gave them each description one at a time, and they either had to figure out the item, or pass. They could not go back to an item description once they chose to pass.

o_0 was at the Yahoo Group chat before I was. (As usual. :P ) 1lewysgal showed up shortly after 5, cap showed up a minute later, and Kugetsu came, although he wasn't able to participate, at about 5:15.

It started out fairly quickly, and never slowed down. o_0 knew almost every item, (apparently, he's a restocker) and the challenge was solved within 20 minutes. As each correct guess earned 1k, the group earned 10k total, bringing the pot up to 127k. Well done. :D

In case anyone was wondering, I will have a quiz up, and shortly. Everyone will have until midnight Saturday to send it in. We will soon have another executed player.

Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:17 pm

Yes, I pwn at restocking. :P
And I had a bunch of stuff I bought to feed Kadoaties. :D
So, er... with that said, here's my post.
:P I'm gonna get eliminated now. XP

Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:35 pm

I showed up and no one was there. So I left.

Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:05 pm

Yeah, I was buying and selling toast items, I didn't manage to actually make it until 2 minutes till. :oops: Anyway, the quiz is gonna take a little longer then I expected, sorry about this.

*Edit* Quizzy! Lewys, as you know, you are exempt, so you may take this quiz or not, it is your choice. :) These are due midnight Sunday. The next challenge should be on Tuesday or Wednesday.

1. In the Word Search challenge, how many correct words did the Mole find?
A. 9
B. 8
C. 7
D. 5
E. The Mole did not participate in that challenge.

2. In the Word Search challenge, how much money did the Mole earn?
A. 15k
B. 10k
C. 8k
D. 5k
E. The Mole did not earn any money.

3. In all, how many challenges has the Mole missed?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
F. 5
G. 6
H. 7

4. How much money has the Mole earned? (i.e., how much money was earned during challenges that the Mole was present. )
A. 10k
B. 25k
C. 55k
D. 70k
E. 90k
F. 115k

5. How many challenges has the Mole caused the group not to earn money? (i.e., challenges that failed that the Mole was present for.)
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
F. 5
G. 6
H. 7

6. How many challenges in the Item Description game did the Mole answer correctly?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
F. 5
G. 6
H. 7
I. 8
J. 9
K. 10
L. The Mole could not participate in the challenge
M. The Mole was not present

7. How old is the Mole?
A. 14
B. 17
C. 18
D. 23
E. 49
F. 20
G. 13

8. What is the Mole's favorite color?
A. Red
B. Orange
C. Green
D. Blue
E. Pink
F. Purple

9. In the Mole's bio, does the Mole have a picture of a human or an animal? (If it's not an obvious animal, then it counts as human.)
A. Human
B. Animal
C. The Mole does not have a picture.

10. Who is the Mole?
A. T.M.W.A.C.H.N
B. Kugetsu
C. cap
D. Johnnydontgo
E. Noelle
F. 1lewysgal
G. r4che1
H. o_0

Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:35 am

Attention mole. In the event that I go out this round, I'm going to get you after I find out who you are. :D

*grabs mop*

Sun Sep 26, 2004 2:08 pm

Kugetsu wrote:Attention mole. In the event that I go out this round, I'm going to get you after I find out who you are. :D

*grabs mop*

Same here.
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