Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Rachel's request board, with a twist...(pending:1 pickups:0)

Mon Sep 13, 2004 1:09 am

i've just downloaded PSP 8 and i want to play around with all the new functions, so i am making a request board, but it's not the same as all the request.

i'd like to know the subtext you want for your set, but not much else. i dont want a picture, just the subtext.

if you'd like to request from me, please fill in this form, or similar:

Name on sig/av:
Things you like:
Colours you like:

The conditions of requesting from me are that you use the set for at least 3 days, and credit me when you're using it pls.

examples: (please bear in mind these aren't made using PSP 8)

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image


request away... please
Last edited by Rachel on Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:13 pm

Erm you can make me a purdy av :D WIth zorg on it...

*can I go now?* she made me come here

she made me come back and write more

Purdy things, well I like neopets :P

Fruit Chias, Meowclops, Screals, Cadros (plushies not the petpet), mint items (especially the mint nova) cobralls, greebles, darigan lennies, baby poogles, PEACH chias, robot cobralls, green meowclops, smileys, girraffes, garfeild, hobbes (as in calvin), gelert plushies, that big red pig i have, Cobrall Dagger, Rotten Berries, Robot Abominable Snowball Invisible items *vanishing ink is quite cool*, Ergy Pizza, Maraquan meerca

Mon Sep 13, 2004 5:21 pm

ok, i've made you a meowclops av, i hope you like it. if you want anything changed, just tell me :)


Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:48 pm

Hmmm could I have a set?Pwetty Pwease?

Subtext: Common day girl? I think not! (or w/e you'd like since thats an example of Chellie with a brain block :D )
Name on sig/av: *Chellie on av w/e on Sig
Things you like: Dance, cheerleading, dirtbiking, hunting, and 4-wheeling
Colours you like:most anything besides pink

Onnce again pwetty pwease and thank you!

Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:01 am

i can try my best. i'm just finishing off a set i'm making, and i'll start on yours :)
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