Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Shadows Request board [All requests finished,please pick-up]

Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:08 pm

Welcome once again to another of my request boards, this time though, I'm only taking five requests. I'm limiting myself so I don't get over my head, and I spend more time and thought on each :D

So we have the. . .


-Sig Request board Rules
-Please have at least 25 posts/have been here for a couple of months or more
-Please use my set for at least a week
-Credit is not nessecary, but it is appreciated ;)


----- sets

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

----- layouts ... inblog.gif ... ceblog.gif ... e/menu.gif ... outfin.gif ... MAGELJ.gif

----- small images/ logo's/ animations

Image // Image // Image

----- banners/backgrounds ... ound11.gif ... ndlink.gif ... ngfury.gif


Image type: (background/layout/set/small image/fader/ etc etc)
Main text:
Colour Scheme:
Other: (border/ anything else you can think of)
Last edited by Shadowfare on Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:05 pm

Image type: Set, if you please.
Picture: this and this
Main text: Matt
Subtext: With a heart of ice
Colour Scheme: Blues & Greys
Animation: If you want - Not compulsary, but if you want to add it, feel free.
Other: Nothing else - If something looks good, feel free to use it.

Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:51 pm

This is the 'beta-sig', you could say. If you are online between the time I post this and I finish the av, and see you want anything changed, feel free to comment. I don't mind you asking after I have made both, but its easier not to have to edit both thingies ^^;


Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:45 pm

Image type: set
Picture: ... t_coln.jpg
Main text: Emy-chan
Subtext: lights are blinding my eyes...(fading into)people pushing by (fading into) they're walking off into the light...
Colour Scheme: anything that fits. ^_^
Animation?: Well, yes, on the subtext.
Other: Something mysterious please.

Thank you in advance. :3

Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:24 pm

Last edited by Johnnydontgo on Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:55 am, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Nov 16, 2004 6:52 pm

I just popped in to comment.
Great work!

Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:22 pm

Emy? I thought you were...ah well, here's the 'beta' sig again, if you want anything changed, just say:


Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:36 pm

If you have not made the av:

A slight request. Very small, but if oyu don't want to do it, that's okay. You chose a smooth font for the text, such as arial. I was wondering if you could use a font such as Times New Roman, a more poky text, ye know.

See my sig text compared to yours for more details.

Anywho, it's still superb either way.

*bows to 1337 graphicist*

Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:57 pm

I'll probably use the set you make on my forum and after this set, I'll be using my Sakura set, and then I'll use yours. I don't want to miss out on this since you couldn't finish my request last time.

mage type: set
Picture:!_ ... _cover.jpg
Main text: DM! for the av, DM was on fire! for the sig
Subtext: Just leave it to me, I'll lead you home
Colour Scheme: blues
Animation?: If you want
Other: whatever you feel looks good.

Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:16 pm

Hi Shadowfare!

I would very much like to have a set made - I have not posted a ton, but I must admit - it's been because I mostly lurk and feel inadequate without a set!!! :oops:

I've been on these forums since June, though, and I have played Neo for years. You can look me up as "goldenphoenix" on Neo. Plus, I promise to use your set for a long time!!! :hug:

I would like an icon made out of this url: ... cebird.jpg

Please shrink it down to focus on the face & hat and add a thin double line border in a matching light blue. Then just write "bluebird" on it in all lowercase in the same light blue!

For the sig banner, please use this url:

I would like the banner to be the size of the green Ria banner, but without the rounded corners. Please shrink it down so the bluebird mostly fits and the open space fills the rest. You can colour tone the banner image to make it more blue if that looks better. Give it a border that matches the icon. ;) ... I would also love it if you could please do some tiny animation on the banner - a slow moving blinkie that spells "bluebird" or some little pixel dots or stars that go in waves. That would be awesome!

Thank you so much!

- Irina

Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:28 pm

Ok Matt, your request shall be my quest, BUT, I'm going to my mums tommorrow, so I can't edit the original version there (and its quite late now) So, feel free to pick it up, and then I'll edit the original and save it to the same name, conveniance ^^;. If it dosn't work then I'll PM you the new URL, m'kay?

EDIT: Dm, heres'ya go for the sig. I'll do the av in a second, and emy, I just want tro fix that wonky animation, won't be two days ;)


Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:50 am

Shadowfare wrote: Ok Matt, your request shall be my quest, BUT, I'm going to my mums tommorrow, so I can't edit the original version there (and its quite late now) So, feel free to pick it up, and then I'll edit the original and save it to the same name, conveniance ^^;. If it dosn't work then I'll PM you the new URL, m'kay?

EDIT: Dm, heres'ya go for the sig. I'll do the av in a second, and emy, I just want tro fix that wonky animation, won't be two days ;)


If I could express my feelings on this sig, hold on...*finishes chewing KitKat* they wouldn't fit in this post. It's so pretty! :) Can't wait on the av!

Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:40 pm

Matt, I wasn't sure which text you wanted changed, so I changed the main text, the other text can be changed if you want aswell:

Image Image

DM! Once again, if you want anything changed, just say ^^;

Image Image

Johnnydon'tgo, this was a little haphazard, due to the images and photoshop both not being very nice to me :( Anyway, just point out anything you want changed ect ect (this is the total beta test, so feel free to make as many corrections as you like )

Image Image

((And I know that the text is all jaggedy, I'll be changing that in the finished product, but its a tedious progress and I don't know if you want the text like that))

Bluebird, I know its not much, but there simple is better, right?

Please tell me if you want anything changed,

Image Image

Emy, here ya go, need anything changed, just ask:


Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:53 pm

Well... can you keep the text from the picture in the av? The "I have mastered.." text? Even if you have to re-type it in another font, that's the text I'd like for the av. Having it blink from "I have mastered" to "the zen of anger" would be cool. Also.. Is there any way to put the "Card Cult" text below the picture in the sig, and then color the white part of the text, so it matches the rest of the sig? And for my name on the sig.. can you make it blink? That way it'll stand out...

Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:29 am

Thanks a bunch Shadowfare! :) I have it uploaded and I shall be using it on my forum. You are SO awesome! Oops...sorry, to many Geico commercials. Thaaanks! *wave wave*
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