Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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WIS's Request Board - [CLOSED : 160+ Served]

Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:21 am


1. Please follow the original Signature and Avatar rules.
2. Save to your own host and give credit.
3. Use the forms provided.
4. Be polite... and patient.
5. I cant do animation.
6. At least 50 posts please.


LJ Icons:

Image Image Image







Avatar Text:
Signature Main Text:
Signature Subtext:
Avatar Image:
Signature Image:
Color: (Optional)
Size: (Optional)

Other Graphics:

Graphic Type:
Main Text:
Subtext: (Optional)
Color: (Optional)
Size: (Optional)

Um... so request... please?
Last edited by WIS on Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:39 am, edited 45 times in total.

Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:18 pm

Anubis wrote:Hallo, WIS. Seeing as you're so swamped, I wouldn't ask you to do this, but I trust no one else with it. It is a matter of utmost importance to me, as you might have guessed, so take your time with it. :)


Avatar Text: Toffee
Signature Main Text: Toffee
Signature Subtext: RIP May 22nd 2006
Still Missed
(Put these two phrases wherever you want on the signature, so long as they are both visible.)
Avatar Image/Signature Image: (I've merged these together because I'm going to give you several pictures you could use. You don't have to use them all but at least three would be appreciated.)
Picture One
Picture Two
Picture Three
Picture Four
Picture Five
Color: You choose.
Size: You choose, but PPT regulations with an 80x80 avatar.

Thanks so much, WIS. -snuggle-

Hope you feel better. :)

Image Image

Sat Jun 03, 2006 9:16 am

I love it, WIS. Amazing as always. -huggle- Saved and uploaded. :hug:

Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:12 am

Thanks for the set, Wis. :D Sorry for how long it took me to pick it up... o_o

I love it. <3 The colors are great. I'll use it after this one and then after the one that I already told some one I would use. :P
Last edited by Eskimo on Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:25 pm

Hey WIS, I was hopeing for a LJ icon...:D

Graphic Type: LJ icon
Image: ... 9/Tom3.jpg
Main Text:Tom!
Subtext: My heart is yours (if won't fit them "in my heart", but if that doesn't fit either then no subtext)
Color:White maybe? I don't really mind
Size: the LJ size limit, I don't really mind.

Thank-you. I chose you because you seem to be really good at makeing


Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:30 pm

Just out of curiousity, are my sets still being worked on? Just wondering because of the split.

Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:04 am

Skynetmain wrote:Just out of curiousity, are my sets still being worked on? Just wondering because of the split.


Image Image

Image Image

Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:21 am

Be-a-utiful! Thank you so much, and just in time for the end of finals to. I've saved them to my system and will start displaying them as soon as my last final is over on Friday. Domo arigato gozaimasu! :hug:

Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:21 am

[quote="Twitchy"]Hey WIS, I was hopeing for a LJ icon...:D

Graphic Type: LJ icon
Image: ... 9/Tom3.jpg
Main Text:Tom!
Subtext: My heart is yours (if won't fit them "in my heart", but if that doesn't fit either then no subtext)
Color:White maybe? I don't really mind
Size: the LJ size limit, I don't really mind.

Thank-you. I chose you because you seem to be really good at makeing

>_< Hope you like:

Image Image

Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:50 pm

WIS wrote:
Twitchy wrote:Hey WIS, I was hopeing for a LJ icon...:D

Graphic Type: LJ icon
Image: ... 9/Tom3.jpg
Main Text:Tom!
Subtext: My heart is yours (if won't fit them "in my heart", but if that doesn't fit either then no subtext)
Color:White maybe? I don't really mind
Size: the LJ size limit, I don't really mind.

Thank-you. I chose you because you seem to be really good at makeing

>_< Hope you like:

Image Image

OMG! They are even better than I hoped! I love them!

Thanksies! saved and uploaded. :D <3

Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:27 pm

Since Big Brother season is upon us, I decided to get a set in advance.

Avatar Text: Matt
Signature Main Text: Matterbug
Signature Subtext: Big Brother Addict
Avatar Image: Image:
Color: (Optional): Whatever you think works
Size: (Optional) PPT Size

Just so you know, feel free to switch the pictures around or use different pictures of Julie Chen. Those are just two possible ones you could use.

Thanks a bunch WIS!

Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:00 pm

Avatar Text: Noo
Signature Main Text: Noo
Signature Subtext: 3 Lions on a Shirt
Avatar Image: World cup and hands only, England Flag: Background
Signature Image: World cup and hands only, England Flag: Background, England logo: want it to stand out
Color: Red, white and blue
Size: Up to you :)

Another very specific set from me, but it's all appreciated ;)

Re: WIS's Request Board - [0 Pickups : 132 Served] (Split #3

Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:10 am

Ooh, some real beautiful sets recently *envious*


Avatar Text: Medusa
Signature Main Text: Medusa
Signature Subtext: carpe diem quam minimum credula postero
But if you're having trouble fitting it in or whatever don't worry :)
Avatar Image: ... doc007.jpg
Signature Image: As above.
Color: Not worried, creative license.
Size: Not worried. Whatever you can work best with. I do prefer slightly smaller than the maximum size for the signature - 300-350 x 80 though.

Thank you very much WIS :D

Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:10 pm

Yes. Im back again...

Graphic Type: Desktop
Image 1: ... to0790.jpg
Image 2: ... aruto2.jpg
Main Text: Uzumaki Naruto
Color: Anything that looks good, but preferably oranges and reds and yellows.
Size:umm... 800x600

and do you think that you could make all of the images easy to see and just a little bit of effects? I just want a real simple one this time. :)

thanks :D

Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:30 am

Image Image

Matt. X_x;;
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