Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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jennifer's requests

Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:11 am

Yeah, it's been a while. Doubt most of you remember me, but hey that's okay i don't care anyway.

I think I'll start with something simple. Maybe 5, maybe 7, maybe 10 if I'm ambitious.

In case you forgot:


Image Image

Image Image

Bloggs. Yes I know I spelled that wrong. ... blogga.jpg

Warning: I may suck now. I haven't touched Photoshop in a while. Since summer, meguesses.

Further on:

>> There's no Official Form for Requests, but please, remember to include everything. If you'd prefer that I NOT do something, then say that too.

>> I have this thing. Yeah, a thing. Where I can't commit. I'm sure you've seen it before. When I just don't "feel like it anymore". If that ever happens, I'm terribly sorry. I'll come back to you when I get the urge. I'll try my best to keep this request boad as LONG as I can.

>> I'll do one request a day. Even if there are 500 Requests on my board (Wishful thinking, but nevertheless) I'd like to keep this board going as long as I can and the best way is to go slow and steady.

>> I have a right to choose not to do your graphic. I have no idea why I would but if the opportunity presents itself where I feel like doing your graphic is inappropriate, I won't do it.

>> Don't be pushy. I'm slow. And I like it that way.
Last edited by Sakura on Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:01 am


Avatar Text: Ammer
Signature Main Text: Ammer
Signature Subtext: Elegantly Beautiful
Avatar Image: ... lly223.jpg
Signature Image: ... lly223.jpg
Color: Anything that matches.
Size: Anything. This won't be used on PPT so size limits don't apply.
Other: If possible, could you make a signature with both the main text and subtext and one with just the subtext? Thanks if possible.

As metioned before, this will be used on another forum. The Kelly Clarkson UK forum to be exact. Thanks again Sakura!

Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:17 pm

Therefore, I feel the compelling urge to request SOMETHING.

Av. Text: DM, or DM was on fire! -- whatever you feel like.
Sig. Text: DM was on fire!
Subtext: Smitty may be a jerkface, but he's still gotta take your TMW votes
Images: -- either blend them all together, or just choose one
Colours: Greens
Size: doesn't matter.
Other: Oh, bah. Whatever you want. You're Jennifer, after all.:P

Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:13 pm

Hi Jenn! *waves*


Text: Twinkle or Helen. Whichever's best to work with
Subtext: dance like no-one's watching
Image: ... 5/leap.gif
Colours: Purple if possible.

Go wild. :P Thanks in advance. :)

Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:41 pm

Yeah... she's deathly pale. Meep. >< Sorry, dear.


Image Image

Alas. I probably will manage to finish only one set a day.. It's my curse.

EDIT: Helen I did part of your request a while ago. Tell me if you dislike it because I was planning on a matching signature (The choppy, blocky, thingymajig) and if you'd prefer something simpler go ahead and tell me so :)

Last edited by Sakura on Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:46 pm

Sakura wrote:Yeah... she's deathly pale. Meep. >< Sorry, dear.


Image Image

Alas. I probably will manage to finish only one set a day.. It's my curse.

No, it's fine! I love it. I was actually thinking, "How did she make her look so bright-ish?" I love the effect. Thanks so much Sakura! Saved and uploaded.

Sun Mar 19, 2006 12:04 am

I've always loved the style of your graphics. =)

Avatar Text - LAQ
Signature Maintext - LAQ
Signature Subtext - Here's looking at you kid
Image (for both avatar and signature) - here
Size - Could the avatar be 60x80, and the signature 350x80?
Color - Red and gold
Anything else - Could the background be very textured and vibrant?

Thank you! :)

Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:59 am

Sakura wrote:EDIT: Helen I did part of your request a while ago. Tell me if you dislike it because I was planning on a matching signature (The choppy, blocky, thingymajig) and if you'd prefer something simpler go ahead and tell me so :)


I do like it but I would prefer something simpler. :oops: Sorry, is that okay?

Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:50 pm

Apologies for making it more blue than green. >< If you want it fixed I'll do it for you.

Image Image

Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:08 pm

It's awesome. :o Thanks Jennifer.
I gots it saved, going to use, and e-mail Spitt--Smitty. :lol:

my av n sig!

Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:14 pm

Avatar Text: R ( see avatar image for more spef.)
Signature Main Text: Rosiesh
Signature Subtext: You No You ♥ Her!!!
Avatar Image:
Can I just have it with a white background and a R like the R in my signature image
Signature Image: ... osiesh.gif

Color: Anything that matches.
Size: The average size of a banner on PPT ( sorry i don't know how big that is!)
Other: can you make it asap please!!!

Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:37 pm

Image Image Image

sorry... i loved the avatar... i made an alternate signature that moreso matches your color preferences, and the other that matches the avatar. if you'd like a color change, it'd be super easy so just tell me.

Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:29 pm

Ohh no, I love the non-purple version! Thanks so much Jenn! :hug: I'm changing my set as I write this.

Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:17 am

image: ... r/Soma.jpg
text: moogie, moogs
subtext: if you want

thanks :)

Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:50 pm

Image Image

I'm a bit touchy... I hate it when they don't match. >< Blegh. Well... um, if you need any fixed, I'd be more than happy to fix it.
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