Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
Topic locked

.: A u r a ' s - U b e r - G r a p h i x - B o a r d :.

Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:38 am

<center><img src=''>

<img src=''>

Welcome to Aura's Uber-Graphix Board
<img src=''>

M y - G e n e r a l - R u l e s
<img src=''>

1. Must be a member of the PPT for atleast two months.
2. Must have atleast 200 posts.
3. Must use the graphics requested from me for a minimum of two weeks.
4. Must use my forms provided.
5. Must have URL's of images or I wont take your request.
6. I will take ONE requests at a time. To be a requester, you must post your request in FULL, after I have posted "D O N E // N E X T - R E Q U E S T". That is your que to request.
7. Follow PPT's Graphic Rules as well.
<img src=''>

M y - F o r m s
<img src=''>

1. Image URL:
2. Text:
3. Colors:
4. Extras (animation, comments):

1. Image URL:
2. Main Text:
3. Subtext:
4. Colors:
5. Extras (animation, comments):

<img src=''>

M y - E x a m p l e s
<img src=''>

<img src=''>
<img src=''>

<img src=''>
<img src=''>

<img src=''>

I am now open to be requested from! Please keep my rules in mind, and happy requesting.

<img src=''></center>
Last edited by Aura on Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:28 am

Marissa wrote:Graphics makers, please limit your direct linking in your request threads. We've set a cap of 14 direct linked images. This is for the convenience of people with slower internet connections, and so people don't have to do a whole lot of scrolling in threads.
You had a total of 21.

Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:15 am

Marissa wrote:
Marissa wrote:Graphics makers, please limit your direct linking in your request threads. We've set a cap of 14 direct linked images. This is for the convenience of people with slower internet connections, and so people don't have to do a whole lot of scrolling in threads.
You had a total of 21.

ah thanks and hello again ;)
do you have website that where you put up the Av/Sig that you did for PPTers? Do you have ones that you did for Knando?


Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:43 pm

Request: Just a Signature


Theme: Faerie Shoyrus :)

1. A horizontal cutout of the Faerie Shoyru in this picture. Please try not to resize or shrink it but rather crop the top half of the Faerie Shoyru!

2. Main Text

(Font style = Heffaklump): 'Faerie Shoyru'

Sub Text (Font style = Heffaklump): 'Adorable'

3. Prefably: Text and title should be blended into the background

4. Colors (I'm interpreting it as background):

Include the clouds and water as a background but don't include bits of the Baby Shoyru too please!

If it ain't possible then cut out background and fill with:
Background Color: Red: 205 |Green: 189 |Blue: 232

5. Animation (On subtext)

1 Letter flashing or blinking for 1 word (if too ambiguous then ask)

All Text: Darker Red: 156 |Green: 124 |Blue: 209
Flashing (brighter) Red: 226 |Green: 218 |Blue: 242

Additionally, please keep to foodrum(forum) size!

Last edited by myname7772 on Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:24 am

myname7772 wrote:Request: Just a Signature


Theme: Faerie Shoyrus :)

1. A horizontal cutout of the Faerie Shoyru in this picture. Please try not to resize or shrink it but rather crop the top half of the Faerie Shoyru!

2. Main Text

(Font style = Heffaklump): 'Faerie Shoyru'

Sub Text (Font style = Heffaklump): 'Adorable'

3. Prefably: Text and title should be blended into the background

4. Colors (I'm interpreting it as background):

Include the clouds and water as a background but don't include bits of the Baby Shoyru too please!

If it ain't possible then cut out background and fill with:
Background Color: Red: 205 |Green: 189 |Blue: 232

5. Animation (On subtext)

1 Letter flashing or blinking for 1 word (if too ambiguous then ask)

All Text: Darker Red: 156 |Green: 124 |Blue: 209
Flashing (brighter) Red: 226 |Green: 218 |Blue: 242

Additionally, please keep to foodrum(forum) size!


thanks for fix this but next time.. use my form that i provided.. thanks. ;)

will start on it tomorrow.

Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:39 am

Hey! You make awsome graphics! I was just wondering though, if you do MSN icons? If you do, let me know, and I'll be sure to request one when you're done!

Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:59 am

WIS wrote:Hey! You make awsome graphics! I was just wondering though, if you do MSN icons? If you do, let me know, and I'll be sure to request one when you're done!

aww thankies. :oops: and yeah i can make MSN Icons.. :P
but i dont offer them on my Request Board though. ;)

maybe PM me and we can discuss about it.

Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:22 pm

Alright, I know I've just had a set contest and got 40-sets or so, but as I'm really obsessed with Oscar and Boyd from the new Fire Emblem that just came out, I think I need a set =P. Besides, I need a Nano set for November =P.

Thank you Aura for letting me request!

1. Image URL: ... 7_1024.jpg
(if you need a bigger/smaller version, replace 1024 with 1280 in the URL)
2. Text: Icey
3. Colors: Dreamy colours, not so bright, but not that dark either. Maybe bluish/indigo. Whatever looks good XD.
4. Extras (animation, comments): Animation would be nice, but doesn't really matter.

1. Image URL: ... 7_1024.jpg (again, replace 1024 with 1280 for bigger version) AND ... 00x800.jpg (only the big star)
2. Main Text: Icey
3. Subtext: Dreaming under the Starlight...
4. Colors: Dreamy colours, not so bright, but not that dark either. Maybe dark bluish/indigo. Whatever looks good XD.
5. Extras (animation, comments): I'd like the main focus to be the guy and not the horse :P (You can actually cut out the horse if you want) or the star. The star (from the second image) can be blended into the background, so it doesn't stand out and take away from the good-looking-ness of the guy XD. Animation would be nice if possible, maybe on the word "starlight", but not necessary. Oh, and I like thin-ish Fonts =P.

Thank you! =)

Sun Oct 30, 2005 2:18 am

Divine wrote:Alright, I know I've just had a set contest and got 40-sets or so, but as I'm really obsessed with Oscar and Boyd from the new Fire Emblem that just came out, I think I need a set =P. Besides, I need a Nano set for November =P.

Thank you Aura for letting me request!

1. Image URL: ... 7_1024.jpg
(if you need a bigger/smaller version, replace 1024 with 1280 in the URL)
2. Text: Icey
3. Colors: Dreamy colours, not so bright, but not that dark either. Maybe bluish/indigo. Whatever looks good XD.
4. Extras (animation, comments): Animation would be nice, but doesn't really matter.

1. Image URL: ... 7_1024.jpg (again, replace 1024 with 1280 for bigger version) AND ... 00x800.jpg (only the big star)
2. Main Text: Icey
3. Subtext: Dreaming under the Starlight...
4. Colors: Dreamy colours, not so bright, but not that dark either. Maybe dark bluish/indigo. Whatever looks good XD.
5. Extras (animation, comments): I'd like the main focus to be the guy and not the horse :P (You can actually cut out the horse if you want) or the star. The star (from the second image) can be blended into the background, so it doesn't stand out and take away from the good-looking-ness of the guy XD. Animation would be nice if possible, maybe on the word "starlight", but not necessary. Oh, and I like thin-ish Fonts =P.

Thank you! =)

ooh he look so hot. <3
and sure i will take your request for SURE! :battar:

@ Myname7772 :: sorry i tried to do your request and halfway.. i got confused of what you said on your Request.. o_O next time.. use MY form instead and maybe link to the font that you want. ;)

Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:46 pm

Aura wrote:ooh he look so hot. <3
and sure i will take your request for SURE! :battar:

XD I agree with you there =P. Thanks =D.

Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:26 pm

Divine wrote:
Aura wrote:ooh he look so hot. <3
and sure i will take your request for SURE! :battar:

XD I agree with you there =P. Thanks =D.

so sorry about delay.. was so busy with irl for my senior project. ^^;;

i hope i can do ur Set tonight if i can. ;)

Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:39 pm

Aura wrote:so sorry about delay.. was so busy with irl for my senior project. ^^;;

i hope i can do ur Set tonight if i can. ;)

=Ps it's ok.

Oh, and because of Nano, I won't be checking the boards all that often, so can you please PM me when you're finished? Thanks =)

Fri Nov 04, 2005 2:09 pm

Divine wrote:
Aura wrote:so sorry about delay.. was so busy with irl for my senior project. ^^;;

i hope i can do ur Set tonight if i can. ;)

=Ps it's ok.

Oh, and because of Nano, I won't be checking the boards all that often, so can you please PM me when you're finished? Thanks =)

tehehe sure but i will post Set here and link you in PM. ;)

Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:36 pm

Can you please make me a Pirate set?

1. Image URL: ... e_baby.gif)
2. Text: Yarrble The Kid
3. Colors: Pirate colors
4. Extras (animation, comments): Animation would be nice

1. Image URL: ... e_baby.gif
2. Main Text: Yarrble The Kid
3. Subtext: Yoho Yoho! A pirate's life for me!
4. Colors: Pirate Colors
5. Extras (animation, comments): Animations would be great!

Thank you!!

Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:48 pm

Yurble the Kid wrote:Can you please make me a Pirate set?

1. Image URL: ... e_baby.gif)
2. Text: Yarrble The Kid
3. Colors: Pirate colors
4. Extras (animation, comments): Animation would be nice

1. Image URL: ... e_baby.gif
2. Main Text: Yarrble The Kid
3. Subtext: Yoho Yoho! A pirate's life for me!
4. Colors: Pirate Colors
5. Extras (animation, comments): Animations would be great!

Thank you!!

Have to reject your Request cuz i need to work on Icey's first.. read my rules or wont get Set from me at all.. thank you. ;)

Edit :: Done with Icey's Set. <3



D O N E // N E X T - R E Q U E S T
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