Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:49 pm

*gasp* wow, fabulous work on those two. I'm so excited fro mine now, though I wish it could have been a more interesting set...

Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:37 am

Image url: ... 29_023.jpg
Text: .:Eternal_Spirit:.
Subtext (on sig): 1000 words... The summoner and the songstress
Colors: I don't mind but darker blues would look nice.
Anything else: Could you get both girls onto the sig? If not just choose the one that you like the best. I have a picture of the two girls together here: just incase you wanted it or wanted to use it.

Thank you!

Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:42 am

Keith wrote:Woo! That turned out awesome! I was a little worried how my subtext would look on it, but it looks awesome! Thanks so much! :D And I have it saved, thanks!

Heh, I was a little worried that I got the subtext wrong ^^; Glad you like it!

Mocha: you're welcome! But why does your avatar turn up as your sig? ._. *hope I didn't make a mistake*

Requiem: Thank you! Your set is a little bit harder than those two because I can't add any spiffy patterns (I love those pixel patterns :P )... So it's going to be a bit plain ^^; But cute anyway!

Eternal Spirit: I'll try to finish your set before I leave for the holidays :) Thanks for requesting!

Edit: I couldn't resist, so I added a pattern anyway... hope you don't mind ._.

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Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:29 pm no like the pattern so mcuh, but it's not bad. I would like it better though if you could change the subtext to a pixely font, silkscreen or something alse all caps-like prefferable. I LOVE the text for my name and how oyu positined the pic and stuff. Brilliant ^^

Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:49 pm

.:Requiem:. no like the pattern so mcuh, but it's not bad. I would like it better though if you could change the subtext to a pixely font, silkscreen or something alse all caps-like prefferable. I LOVE the text for my name and how oyu positined the pic and stuff. Brilliant ^^

Well, at least you liked SOMETHING :D Me go change!

Just a little note: I'm leaving for Portugal on Monday, so I'll be gone for 2 weeks. You can still request, but I won't be able make your set until August 12 :)

Edit: the 3th set for Requiem! You'd better like it! :P
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Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:19 pm

Lurve it! Thank you tomatie-genius ^^

Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:43 pm

Sorry it took me so long to post. Moving hath kicked my butteth. XD I love it. <3 I'll probably use it someplace else, since I have a set I'm planning to use here, but I'll use it here eventually.
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