Feed Florg Guide by foreverblaze23

Florg is very much like Neopet’s Sponsor Game “Gold Fish”. In this game, you play as mechanical hand that must keep all the food (petpets) on Florg’s table. Unlike Gold Fish, Florg eats the food and each petpet he eats gives a different amount of points. Although this all may sound simple, there are a few obstacles that come in your way. With the help of this guide, you will be able to gain at least 1500+ NP (If you play 3 times a day).

Scoring System

First you need to know what gives the least and most points in the game. The pets you should keep an eye on are the Hasee and the Kadoatie. These two pets are Florg’s favorite. Warfs, Bearogs, Krawks, and Puppyblews are to his likings but not his favortie. Florg doesn’t seem to like eating the petpet Slorg. So now that you know that here is the scoring system:

  • Hasee: When this purple petpet is eaten, you gain 20 points.
  • Kadoatie: When this blue cat-like petpet is eaten, you gain 15 points.
  • Warf: When this strange yellow dog cat is eaten, you gain 10 Points.
  • Bearog: When this 3 headed terror is eaten, you gain 10 points.
  • Krawk: When this mystical green petpet is eaten, you gain 10 points.
  • Puppyblew: When this green puppy is eaten, you gain 10 points.
  • Slorg: When this slimey dish is eaten, you gain 5 points
  • Mechanical Hand: When a petpet touches your mechanical hand, you gain 1 point.
  • Petpet falls off: If you let a petpet fall, it will sometimes happily glow as it escapes…. oh yeah I think you also lose 1 point and


In every game there is always something that trys to stop you from getting a higher score. In this game there are only two. I’m not sure if one of the obstacles is a glitch but I’ll add it here anyway. These obstacles will either make you lose points are receive no points at all. Very bad if you have a Hasee petpet effected by Obsatcle #3. So here are the obstacles and how to dodge them:

  • Obstacle #1: This obstacle is very easy to counter. When Florg eats something he has a tendency to take a while before finishing his food. This obstacle may add many petpets to the table. It’s very simple to stop this, all you need to do is keep the pets near the middle. That way when Florg is done chewing he will be able to grab any of the petpets quick enough. Later in the game he will take an even longer time to chew, this will be explained in Obstacle #3.
  • Obstacle #2: At some point in the game the machine the brings down the petpets will become faster, bringing one pet after another. Eventually you might will have 5 petpets or even more wandering around the table. If this does happen you can either do 1 of the 3 things: Sacrifice a petpet, only do this if you have a Slorg or something you’re willing to sacrifice on the table and you have two or less petpets fallen; Hold down the left or right button, doing this will make the hand spin in circles. It also gives a chance for the hand to hit all the pets that are too close to the edge; Concentrate in the side that most of the petpets are going towards or if a petpet like a Kadoatie or Hasee is going towards. That way you’ll be able to save more petpets or gaining more points…. this really isn’t the safest way to go though.
  • Obstacle #3: I’m not sure if thisi s a glitch or not but at some moments in the game Florg will release a tounge. I call it a decoy tounge because if a petpet touches the decoy tounge the petpet that is eaten will not be counted as a point whether or not its a great Hasee or a Slorg. Sometimes the decoy tounge will eat 2 or more petpets at the same time and you won’t gain any of thoswe points that the petpets give. However right after the decoy tounge has gotten something the real tounge immdietly comes out and grabs a petpet, then you gain the points of that eaten petpet. If you do get in that problem, move petpets like Slorgs near the decoy tounge so you won’t need to sacrfice that Hasee or Kadotie on the table.


I can only think up one strategy for this game. At the beginning of the game head towards the bottom of the table. Most of the time the petpets walk down to the bottom of the table. That way when the hand hits the petpet it will go toawrds Florg. Careful that the petpet doesn’t fall off Florg’s side of the table or else you’ll lose a petpet. Also keep watch for Hasee and Kadoatie, you already know that these petpets give the most points. Follow all the things you read above and you’ll be making a ton of NP from this game. Keep watch for the decoy tongue and let those Slorgs fall straight into the decoy tongue if you encounter it. Other than that I have nothing else to add to this strategy. – foreverblaze23


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