A big thanks to amy_elldir and ZenMouse for providing the solutions!
Level 1: Easy Does It
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Nice straightforward level. Grab the two gems and the key at the bottom. Then go up and get the torch. Ignite the RED dynamite and step out of the way of the blast. Grab the other key and go open those chests. Go get the other four gems (you can run through the door like it is an empty space as long as you don’t have the purple key). Get the purple key and go to the door.
Level 2: Fire in the Hole
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Grab the key to your left then open the chest to your right. Grab the gem closest to the door and head to the top of the screen. Go right and march down the breakable walls until you get to the torch and the purple key (get them). Continue down the right side, but step quickly out of the way of the balloon when you get to it. Keep going down the right side and ignite the dynamite. Get out of the blast radius. When the bottom row of dynamite is gone, go along the bottom of the screen and grab the two keys, the torch, and the treasure chest. Go back up and set off the last dynamite (again, stay out of the blast area). Get the gems. Go back up and push the boulder onto the pressure plate to open the gates. Go around and grab the last key and get the last two treasure chests. Head for the door and you’re done.
Level 3: Welcome to the Jungle
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Get the key and the torch in the upper left corner (just below the door) by running (move quickly or the spike traps will get you) up the left side of the passage and down the right side of the passage. Head toward the lower right corner (where the key and the RED dynamite are). Enter that section by running through the top spike trap (the one closest to the key) and ignite the dynamite (step out of the blast area). Run through the bottom spike trap and head toward the top of the screen. Grab the treasure chest and quickly step out of the way of the balloon. Grab the torch, key, and two gems by running down the left side of the passage and up the right side of the passage. Ignite the GREEN dynamite (stay out of the blast area). Grab the chest and the gem. Follow the path to the purple key anti-clockwise (run through the spike traps quickly so they don’t get you). Head for the door and you’re done.
Level 4: Spiky Mines
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
This level is a little trickier. Step right and up to get the first gem. Go down again. Quickly take two steps right then grab the next gem. Repeat that for the last three gems, but when you get to the last gem push the ball to the right (don’t set off the last spike trap in that row). Move down the right side to the level with the spike traps (not the one with the balloons and gems). Run left across that level quickly. Grab the key and the gem on the left side. Get the torch and ignite the GREEN dynamite (stay out of that blast area). Go back up to the top and move to the left of the last spike trap on the top (the one you made sure not to set off). Run to the right as fast as you can to push the ball down onto the pressure pad (don’t get caught by the spike trap). Run left across the level with the Gems and spike traps. Grab the purple key. Get the last torch from the bottom and go back around (make sure not to touch the GREEN dynamite) to ignite the RED dynamite (remember the blast area). Head for the door and you’re done.
Level 5: Water Prison
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
An easy level to make up for the last one. Grab the two gems but not the purple key. Go around and run beneath the boulder at the top (make sure not to stop under it) so it can fall on the pressure plate. Get the key in the lower left corner and get the treasure chest. Get the purple key by running across the passage (stepping quickly out from under the boulder). Head for the door and you’re done.
Level 6: Crazy Clouds
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Another easy one. Run left over and past the spike traps. Get the gem in the lower left corner. Run across and get the gem in the lower right. Run straight up the right side and get the last gem. Go down to the level with the pressure plates and the balloons and run across to the balloons. Go up and run across toward the keys (step quickly out of the balloons’ way). Get the keys. Staying in the open passages, go get the treasure chests and the torch. Still staying in open passages go up to the level just below the boulder. Quickly step in and out beneath the boulder to let it fall out of your way. (If you did it right, there should still be a couple blocks keeping it from hitting the bottom pressure plate. Run across the passage and ignite the dynamite (stepping quickly back out of its blast area). Head for the door and you’re done.
Level 7: Kaboom
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Get the torch in the lower left corner and set off the dynamite above it (Do I have to mention blast areas anymore?). Get the gem and the next torch. Set off the next dynamite. Get the next gem. Get the next torch. Set off the next dynamite. Grab the gem and get the torch, but don’t set off the dynamite next to it it. Ignite the dynamite above the torch in the bottom middle. Grab both the gems and the torch. Ignite the dynamite between you and the purple key. Get the purple key and the gem. Go up and get the last two gems and head out the door. (Note: There will be one gem left, but I don’t know how to get it. If you know how to get it and still get out, please let me know how.)
Level 8: Evil Caves
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!) – Part A
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!) – Part B
Another tricky one. Run down (Grabbing the torch as you go) and ignite the dynamite (You know the routine Blast Area). Go over to the pressure plate and then go up. DO NOT Push the boulder into the hole just to its left, go around the longer way instead. Head to the top (i.e. the door) and then go as far as you can to the right. Grab the three gems and the key. Go back around to the right of the boulder. Run across to the right and grab the gem and the torch. Push the balloon to the right to get it out of your way. Go all the way back around and set off that last dynamite (Blast Area). Get the key. Go to the left of the boulder and push it right, onto the pressure plate, move very quickly to the left and up or you’ll be trapped/spiked. Go back up to the top, get the now unblocked gem and get the two treasure chests and the purple key. Head toward the door and you’re done.
Level 9: Boulder Hill
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Another easy one. Get the gem in the lower left corner. Go up and grab the torch and sidestep the boulders. Get the key. Get the treasure chest. Ignite the GREEN dynamite just under the door. Grab those gems. Go get the torch on the right side and again sidestep the boulders. Get the key and the last treasure chest. Go to the pile of boulders and push the boulder out from between the RED dynamite and the top GREEN dynamite (Get out of that blast area). Get the purple key and straight up to the door.
Level 10: One Way Streets
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Run down the right side to just below the first spike trap. Get the key to the left, but don’t set off the spike trap. Go back to the right and down to the level with the torch. Run all the way to the left (you’ll get the gem as you go). Go up the left side and grab the gem as you pass it. Go to the top left corner. Run across to the dynamite to ignite it (Blast area). Run around and grab the key then go back around and push the ball onto the pressure plate. Go through and pick up the last gem, the last treasure chest, and the purple key. Go back to the top and push the ball off the pressure plate (but don’t block the passage). Go back around (you’ll now be just to the right of the ball). Run right as fast as you can and out the door.
Level 11: Diamond Islands
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Pretty easy level. Wait a few seconds at the beginning for the dynamite to go off and send the balloon to the top left corner. Run all the way to the right (you’ll grab the torch as you go) and ignite both the dynamites (Blast area). Go to the upper left corner and remove the block there. Push the balloon to the left (off the pressure plate). Grab the key at the top. Go back down and grab all the gems and the other two keys. Get the treasure chests and the purple key. Push the boulders and the balloons off the pressure plates by pushing them to the right (it’s only really important on the left most balloon, if you push it to the left you’ll just send it onto another pressure plate). Head toward the door and you’re through (move quickly over that spike trap).
Level 12: Heaven or Hell?
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Run all the way down the right side (quickly past the spike traps). Run across the bottom and then up the left side. Grab the key on the top. Go back down the left side and head over to the RED dynamite to ignite it. Get the chest. Get the key (step back quickly to avoid the balloon). Go toward the door and position yourself under the bottom left spike trap. Very quickly take two steps up and one to the right (you should be land where the torch was). Get the two gems. Move to where the torch used to be (to the right of the topmost sprung spike trap). Run quickly down. Go back down to where the balloons are and release the balloon under the pressure plate (again, step quickly out of its way). Grab the treasure chest and the purple key. Ignite the GREEN dynamite. Move to just below the spike trap beneath the door. Run as fast as you can up to the door and you’re done.
Level 13: One Way Out
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Get the gem in the lower left. Get the top most gem. Grab the torch and ignite the GREEN dynamite (avoid the blast area and the balloon that’ll be come up). Get the two right most gems. Move to right under the GREEN dynamite on the left. Drop the boulder to its left. Moving very quickly, remove the block under the two boulders on the left and then step out of their way to the space just to the right of the pressure plate (it’s a little tricky but you can do it). Get the key and the rest of the gems. Go back to the left and push the two boulders one at a time to the left (starting with the top one) onto the pressure plate. Get the treasure chest and the purple key. Grab a torch and ignite the GREEN dynamite. Head toward the door and you’re done.
Level 14: Cause and Effect
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Push the boulder onto the pressure plate. Grab the torch and ignite the dynamite (makes sure to be above the gate when it closes again). Push the balloon onto the pressure plate. Go around and grab the torch. Remove the block to let the balloon get to the pressure plate, but don’t set off the dynamite. Go back up and set off the top most dynamite. Grab the torch. Set off the left most dynamite. Get the gem and push the boulder onto the pressure plate. Grab the gem to the left of the door. Get the torch just to the right of the door (go through the open passage not through the spike traps). Ignite the left most dynamite. Run through the spike traps under the door. Move to the lower right corner. Head up and push the boulder onto the pressure plate as you pass it. Grab the key, torch and gem. Run back down to the lower right hand corner (you’ll ignite the dynamite as you pass). Head out the door and you’re done.
An alternative, safer way by Lynzy
name: Lynzy
In the level entitled “Cause and Effect”, in your guide it says – “Get the torch just to the right of the door (go through the open passage not through the spike traps). Ignite the left most dynamite. Run through the spike traps under the door.” – however, if, after you get the torch, push the bottom boulder onto the pressure pad, then go ignite the green dynamite, the gates stay open and you don’t have to run through the spike traps at all. then after the dynamite has exploded, just go and push the boulder to the left (not the right, because it will block the gate), and the gate will open again. it’s safer that way.
Level 15: Never Trust a Stranger!
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Move down to the pressure plate. Quickly push the bottom boulder two spaces to the right. Now push the other boulder back onto the pressure plate. Move just to the right of the spike trap. Run left across it. Grab the torch and ignite the GREEN dynamite (make sure to be on a level below the gate). Push the boulder to the left and grab the gem and key. Move up to the top middle. Run down past the spike trap to the boulder. Grab the torch from beneath the boulder and sidestep again as it falls onto the pressure plate. Ignite the RED dynamite. Grab the gem. Get the bottom most torch and move to where the RED dynamite was. Run down past the spike trap and then head left. Snatch the torch out from beneath the boulder. Ignite the Left most GREEN dynamite. Get the purple key. Ignite the other Green dynamite. Run to the right grabbing the treasure chest as you go. Wend your way up to the top avoiding the torches. Grab the last key. Come back down and grab a torch and get the last treasure chest. Ignite the RED dynamite and run as fast as you can back up and out of the way of the balloon that it will release. Go up and ignite the green dynamite. The boulder will fall, but e caught by the balloon. Head toward the door and you’re through.
Level 16: Sneaky Gates
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Grab the gem and then the key. Grab the gem between the GREEN and RED dynamite. Run beneath the ball to grab the gem. Go down and grab the bottom left gem and the torch next to it. Grab the two gems in the middle. Grab the gem in the top right and the one you pass on your way to it. Grab the torch and use it to ignite the RED dynamite under the key in the top middle. Grab the torch to the left of the ball and use it to ignite the GREEN dynamite (not the RED). Get the chest. Ignite the RED dynamite in the lower right corner. Grab the key. Go back up and around to get the top most gem. Grab the torch over the left most balloon to open the gates. Get the last key, the two treasure chests and the gem next to the door. (Note: This leaves one gem which you can get if you use the torches a little differently, but I’ve never found it worth my time for that one gem).
Level 17: Many Hoards
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
This level doesn’t really need any directions only some advice. Grab all the gems, keys and treasure chests. NEVER grab the torch. If you can find a path to get a gem, key, or treasure chest that avoids dropping a boulder, take that path instead. You should only have to let two boulders drop and release one balloon.
Level 18: Missing in Action
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Grab the torch just to the left of the treasure chest. Move back to the left but don’t grab the left most torch. Move straight down and ignite the dynamite. There should still be a dynamite under the boulders and one to the right of the pressure plate. Go up to the top (DON’T grab the left most torch). Run across to the right (you’ll grab the torch and ignite the dynamite as you go) grab the key quickly and get out of the blast area. If you don’t get the key you’ll have to start over. Go to the bottom right corner and get the purple key. NOW grab the last torch and ignite the dynamite under the boulders. Run straight across to the door as fast as you can and you’re done.
Level 19: Fyora’s Quest
Click Here for a visual walkthrough (thanks moonsyne!)
Move straight down the left side to get the key then two steps to the right. Down three steps and then all the way left. Move down and grab the next key. Move two steps right. As fast as you can take two steps up and one step right. Five steps up. Three steps right. One step down. Push the boulder to the left and follow it down. Two steps to the right. Two steps up. One step right. Two steps up. Run right as far as you can. | One step left. Four steps down. One step left. One step down. All the way to the right. Up one. Left two. Up three. Right one. Up two. Left two. Up one. All the way right. All the way up. Move left all the way to the last treasure chest. Down one. Right one. Down two. Right five. Down four. Left one. Down two. Left one. Quickly down one and right one. Down one. Head toward the door and you’ve won the game.
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